He confesses/ askes you out

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Steve Rogers( Captain America):

Steve's pov:

I was walking beside (y/n) to a forest like park with lots of tree, where we were going to go for a run. When we got to the park, ( y/n) ran ahead of me.

" you cant catch me Steve!!! hahahhahahah!!" she yelled at me as she ran as fast as she could. I chuckle and run after her. I start to catch up to her, then she takes a sharp turn, running for a calm river. I turn the corner as I see (y/n) jump into the river.

" why did you jump in? isnt the water cold?" i ask her.

" yes it is cold!" she replied," are you too scarred of the cold?"

I shook my head no, ran as I held my breath and plunged into the ice cold water. it was a little bit cold but not bad. I swim toward (y/n) as she swims away laughing. She reached the bank of the river and hopped out. I hop out a few seconds after she takes off running. She runs to a tree and starts to climb it. I get to the tree and she is more than half way up the tree. I grab a limb of the tree to start climbing when I hear a scream and look up to see (y/n) falling. I run and catch (y/n).

" what is it with you and falling?" I laugh as I realize that I am holding her in an awkward position. I blush as a set her down, safe on the ground.

" t-thank you for catching me." she said also blushing.

" your w-welcome....." I say back as we decide to walk along the trail instead. Should I tell (y/n) that I like her? I think for a little bit.

" oh my gosh! look at that!"(y/n) whisper yelled at me, pointing at a deer with 2 baby deer.

" there cute." I say smiling," like you."

"what?" (y/n) asked.

(y/n) looked at me confused and surprised. .......... crap........ i said that out loud..... heh.... I blush as I repeat myself," I-I s-said l-l-like y-you......"

she blushed also," i-i like you too."

I stand there a second before realizing what she said.

" You like me!?!?!?!?!" I half yelled.

" Y-yeah...." she responded. I smile.

" would y-you like to go on a date?" I ask her.

" yes!!!!" she said. With that, (y/n) and I walk hand in hand through the rest of the trail. I did it! I had finally confessed to (y/n)!!!



Loki's pov:

(y/n) wanted to go cloths shopping. yippy. 😒. We finally get to a store and go in, just to see Clint Barton. Great. My day just got better. woohoo. (y/n) smiles as she disappears under the cloths racks, heading strait for him.

" Please dont tell me she is going to try to mess with him...." I say to myself as I hide. She kept going toward him. Frick. she is going to mess with him. I try to get to her before she got to him but I was too late. She snuck up behind him and screamed. And no, im not talking about a small girly scream, im talking about the scream that you scream when someone gives you a wedgie, the really painful wedgie. She just about bursted my eardrums. She ran to me, grabed my hand, and ran out of the store. She teleported us back to our house as she laughed hard.

" THAT WAS A STUPID IDEA (Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!" i telled at her.

" sorry." she said still laughing. (y/n) looked cute laughing........ Know what, im just going to tell her I like her and get it over with.....

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