Quirk manifestation

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Izuku heard a knock on his door which immediately grabbed his attention before the door opened and the giant hero entered his new room. All Might stopped for a moment to take in his surroundings. From every side there have been smaller versions of himself staring at him, which was more than unnerving.

"Hello there young man! How did the hospital treat you?" He asked ignoring the rest of the room and concentrating on its sole occupant.

"The doctor was very nice, he even gave me a lollipop!" Izuku said happily and a wide smile appeared on his face.

All Might's smile however waivered as he sat down on the ground to better face the boy and the green haired child noticed this immediately.

"Are you mad that I broke your bag?" Izuku asked and lowered his head, which caught Toshinori completely by surprise and he quickly patted the boy's head reassuringly.

"No it's okay it was easy to put it back." He answered honestly which calmed the boy a lot.

"But we need to talk about your quirk, young Midoriya."

"My quirk?"

"Yes young man, it seems that you now have the same power as me cursing through you." All Might said as he gently poked Izuku's tiny chest with his index finger before his face turned very serious in a second.

"Listen Izuku, I need you to promise me something."

Promise to All Might?

"I need you to promise me, that you will never abuse this power to harm others. That you will only use it to help and save those smaller and weaker. Can you do that for me?" All Might said before offering his hand to the boy.

At that moment the young boy's mind went into overdrive, even at four years of age he already knew that this was the moment that would determine the rest of his life.

Tiny tears appeared in his eyes as he stood up and gave few of Toshinori's fingers a firm squeeze in affirmation.

"Yes! I will be a hero just like you and I will save everyone! I promise!"

With that All Might's expression softened and a mischievous smile returned to his face as he quickly moved his hand into Izuku's armpit and started tickling him furiously.

I wish you the best of luck, young Midoriya.

-5 PM at the meeting of Hero Public Safety Commission members-

"...and that concludes this month's financial report." Finished the always extremely tired beige haired Yokumiru and everyone else in the conference room sighed in relief and about half of the even started to rise from their seats only to be abruptly stopped by the president.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know that every one of you can't wait to get back home, but before we all go to our families there is still one thing we need to discuss." She said calmly and nodded to someone behind her and the projector was turned back on showing a picture of a green haired boy.

"This is Izuku Midoriya a four year old boy, who was recenty rescued by the number one hero All Might." There was some murmuring among the other members which immediately stopped when the president gave them an irritated look.

"Since the child's name and photo was leaked into the press, the boy and his mother were placed under protection, but today All Might, with whom the family is currently staying, notified the commission about a small incident which took place during early morning hours of today. The child was apparently able to muster enough power to rival even some of the hero's strongest attacks."

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