Chapter One: Not So Much of A Singer

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Star Alabama-Simpleton should've felt lucky she got to ride in a car with the two most popular singers in the country. Or actually be glad she was their daughter.

Ever since she was born, she had cameras in her face - news reporters came to their house every day to get a glimpse of her. Everyone was expecting something to happen. It was like she was a blessing from the gods.

Alabama-Simpleton. The name Star would have to live down for the rest of her life and meet everyone's expectations.

Of course, she wasn't completely oblivious. She knew that everyone was expecting her to sing like a true angel. After all, if she was the child of the two most incredible singers of all time. Who wouldn't think she was going to be a singing prodigy?

Luckily, her parents - Jake Simpleton and Hailey Alabama-Simpleton were the most kindest and supportive parents she could've ever asked for. Her father didn't pressure her to sing at all, and Hailey was always patient with her when she attempted to teach her music.

All these attempts, however, were utterly useless, because Star sounded horrible. She knew she did - and wasn't sure why. But for some reason, singing had never really been her thing, despite the world's expectations of her. She'd always avoid even bringing up the topic, because she knew they would ask her to demonstrate. 

In front of Star, her mother and father were talking about their high school days, and what so-and-so did as they grew up.

"... And Lia's a teacher now! Can you believe it? I thought she'd grow up to be a fashion designer or something," Hailey said.

Jake shrugged. "I guess she finally learned to stick up for herself. It was pretty hard under Zoey's grip back then."

The car slid slowly down the road and in front of a red brick building. The words Alabama High School were plastered across a sign in front. Star felt the car jerk to a stop.

"So, first day of high school," Jake turned from the driver's seat. "Pretty exciting, huh?"

"Mhm," Star responded.

Hailey chuckled. "I'm sure you'll find it... interesting. We certainly had a lot of adventures here, didn't we?" she looked at her husband who smiled in return.

"Anyways, make sure to have fun!" Jake called as Star stepped out of the car.

"I'll try," said Star, and she waved after her parents, watching the black car drive out of sight.

Wishing for a peaceful, undisturbed entry was a laughable fantasy of Star's. She could see students out of the corner of her eye pointing at her, and whispering behind their ears. She was easily recognizable - especially since she looked ever so like her mother.

She had the same teal, flowy hair, pretty smile, and single star earring that had been passed down for generations. The only difference between the two was their height and Star's chocolate brown eyes. They were much like her father's.

"Star!" a familiar voice called out to her, and she grinned as someone flew into her arms. She returned the embrace, then pulled back to inspect him.

"Geez, you must've grown like, three inches over the summer," remarked Star.

Her best friend, Kai, who was the adopted son of her two favourite uncles, Zander and Luke, laughed. "And you still haven't grown since fifth grade." 

"At least I was tall at that time," said Star. "Mind you, I was probably the tallest in the class. As if I didn't need any more attention."

"Heya, guys!"

She turned to see Hestia, daughter of the famous guitarist, Milly. She was followed by Thomas, the new drummer in the music club.

"Oh, come on already," Thomas said before they could greet each other. "It's almost time for class!"

Hestia groaned. "There's more than five minutes before first period starts!"

"Let's go anyway," Thomas hurried them to their classes, which were on the second floor - a surprisingly long walk from the base level. Star just managed to take a seat when the bell rang.

"Good to see all of you!" a woman with dark skin and hair came through the doorway. She had her hair in a ponytail, and rectangular glasses framed her dark brown eyes. "I'm Miss Myers, but honestly, you can call me Lia."

She gave a small chuckle. "Not many teachers like being called by their first name, but I don't mind. Anyways -" she continued, rifling through a stack of papers on her desk. "Let's start with self introductions, shall we? Goodness, no high school class seems to do that anymore. A pity, really."

Star grinned. So far, Lia seemed like a really interesting teacher. Far from the regular ones she had before, who droned on and on with boring lectures.

"So, who would like to go first?" Lia clapped her hands and looked around at the class. "Ah, yes, girl with the light pink hair?"

She recognized Hestia's head bobbing as she made her way to the front of the classroom. Of course Hestia would want to go first. She had a lot of her mother's confidence. 

"Hey, I'm Hestia!" the girl grinned. "Hestia Bellerose. My mum's Milly Bellerose, and my dad takes care of the Rose Estates down Drake Boulevard. So far I've participated in five music competitions - three of them in which I won, the last one in which I came in third place. I play the electric guitar." she finished.

"Fantastic! I can't wait to get to know you better, Hestia," smiled Lia. "Very well, who would like to go next?"

"I'm sure Star does," Hestia smirked, exchanging glances with her. Star shook her head violently, but it was too late.

"Oh, well then, Star, would you like to introduce yourself?"

She shot a death glare at Hestia, who returned it with a sly smile.

"Uh, yeah, I guess I'll go..." said Star uneasily. How was she supposed to say no? Her feet guided her to the front of the classroom, where she turned to face her classmates. Twenty unsuspecting, innocent gazes that would soon turn expectant as soon as they heard her name.

"Well, hello. I'm Star Alabama-Simpleton, and I -"

As she expected, a sudden murmuring had spread across the class as soon as she spoke. Star looked down at her feet, biting the inside of her cheek as questions flew at her.

"You mean Jake Simpleton?"

"Woah, she's the daughter of Jake and Hailey Simpleton! I love their singing!"

"That explains why she looked familiar!"

"I bet she can sing really well!"

And then the dreaded question came.

"Can you sing for us?

Star hesitated. So many people to disappoint... Twenty new people that barely knew her, twenty new people who she would embarrass herself in front of if they heard her voice... 

"Sorry," she said hastily. "I uh... Don't really... Sing." not knowing what to do, she walked quickly back to her seat as the class burst into whispers once more.

Star buried her face in her arms as Lia tried to get everyone's attention. The new celebrity at high school. She knew it was going to be the talk of the whole school.

If only they knew what she was really interested in.

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