Chapter Seven: Breaking War

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Amelie. Amelie. Amelie.

The name spun around her, as she tried to grasp onto it. But like soapy bubbles from a blowing stick, it was impossible to hold onto. Every time she tried to get hold of it, it slipped away.

"Get away from me," Star tried to say, backing away from Amelie. But the words never left her mouth and her limbs were frozen. Her skin was now as white as snow. It was tightening around her, crushing the oxygen she needed.

"And why would I?" Amelie's voice was sugar coated with a sickening sweetness that made Star's stomach turn.

She tried to scooch back, but she couldn't. Her eyes squeezed in pain as her skin tightened even more, and she let out a gasp as a deep, purple substance leaked from her chin. It trickled down her neck, and then suddenly, she wasn't there anymore.

Before she knew it, her body was falling, but it didn't hit anything. Instead, she didn't even feel like she was part of her body anymore. She opened her eyes, and let out a scream that never left her mouth.

Star really wasn't part of her body anymore. Instead, she seemed to be in the perspective of... Amelie. It was like she was watching a film, as she saw her body lying on the hill. Shock was overwhelming her, and she desperately tried to push herself out. Find a way to escape Amelie's body and get to her own.

"Stop struggling, it'll be no use," all the sweetness had disappeared from Amelie's voice, and was replaced with a chilling scowl.

Get me out of here!  Star thought desperately.

"Psh. As if. I need you to do something important for me, so quit fighting so this can be easier for both you and I."

In a blink of an eye, they were gone, and for a split second, her vision was black until they reappeared. 

Tall, majestic mountains loomed around her, while a bright lake glittered below. The sun shone brightly through the rain, forming an arching rainbow in the distance. A faint dewy smell could be detected on the trailing breeze.

Where are we?

"Nowhere of your concern," Amelie responded dryly.

What are you going to do to me?

"Honey, I'm not going to do anything to you,"  was the response. Star could feel a smirk playing at the corner of Amelie's mouth.

What do you mean by that?

No answer.

Amelie ducked into a cave hollowed at the side of the mountain they were standing on. A small campfire was built in the center, its light casting flickering shadows against the walls. The flames danced merrily, but no joy was in the room.

"Did you get her?" a familiar voice rang out from the shadows. It was Laura. Star felt her pulse grow quicker at the sight of her. She wasn't sure if it was rage or what.

"Yes," said Amelie. Star tried to get a good look at Laura's face, but it was hidden by the shadows. "And you got them,  right?"

"Of course," Laura replied, a slight sneer behind her voice, "it was too simple. You should take me with you on your next task."

"As I've told you many times, dear," Amelie slid off her hood, and the shadow from her face was gone to reveal sharp, emerald eyes. It made her appearance glow, and a sort of beauty radiated from her despite her vain.

"Everything I do is far too important for you. Your magic is still weak, and you've been barely any use so far. Save your desperate attempts for the battle."

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