part two

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6 hours on an aeroplane was not a fun experience, i'm telling you. i was sat next to some teenage girl who was apparently a fan. i was not in the mood for comedy right now, or anything if i'm honest, i just wanted to go home and go to bed. she wouldn't stop babbling about some conspiracy page on instagram but i really wasn't paying attention until one sentence caught me off guard.
"richie tozier is gay! is that true?!"
she did not just say what i think she did
"hellooo? earth to richie haha! people want to know your sexuality? do you really have a wife or is that a cover up?"
she asked, winking, shoving her phone into my face,
what the f do i say, do i tell her that the love of my life was just impaled or that i have a wife currently waiting for me at home?
"i- um- i..."
"well trashmouth? cat got your tounge? c'mon! we're dying to know!"
"i- i- i- really have to go..."
and the next thing i knew i was running to the bathroom throwing up into my own hand.

-time skip, end of flight-

i saw the girl again whilst leaving the airport, i could tell she wanted to come over and say something but she didn't. instead she just stayed where she was and gave me a soft smile. she stood on her tippy-toes and kissed a tall brunette girl on the cheek as she grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers. she turned her head and gave me one final wave with a wink. she knew.

i drove back to my apartment and i had never felt so relived to be in la. i walked into my apartment and the slight smell of ready-made mac n cheese was still lurking from the night before i left for derry. i dropped onto my bed in the least graceful way possible and closed my eyes. i had just started to settle until i heard the annoyingly happy ringtone of my phone
'big pete / manager man'

( * richie talking , • peter talking )

* why hello there big pete, missed me that much you had to call me huh?
• it's peter to you mr.tozier and no actually, you need to get here now.
* aw petey, i'm flattered that you miss me that much! may i ask why it's so urgent?
• i'd rather tell you in person. see you soon mr.tozier.
* bye petey! i love you!

did he just hang up on me? that was rude.

i got in my car and set off to peter's office, what was so important though? was i really in trouble? i arrived and was greeted by the over powering smell of peter's $200 cologne and a not so happy expression.

"hello mr.tozier, i'm glad you could make it, please take a seat"

i gulped and hesitantly sat down in the seat opposite to him.

* "why so serious big man, is something wrong?"

i tried to hide any worry from him but i don't think it worked. he coughed to clear his throat.

• "yes actually there is, where have you been for so long, 3 weeks to be precise? don't you realise how much this could affect your career?!"

* "oh sorry about that, i was kinda busy in the town i grew up in fighting some psycho clown with my childhood besties!"

• "haha very funny. now what really happened richie?"

* "oh i was being serious... you don't believe me? how about if i told you that clown killed the love of my life?"

• "wait wha- richie i know you're a comedian but this really isn't the time for jokes, you've been really stupid, i hope you know that. im sorry but i'm gonna have to let you go."

* "this is bs! you know what? you can't fire me, cause i quit!"

i reached into my pocket and grabbed the first thing i felt, eddies inhaler. i looked down "sorry eds" i muttered and out of anger i threw it at peter's head with all the force i could muster, i stormed off with my middle fingers up until i got through the doors of his office and into the bustle of the la traffic.

just as i thought this week couldn't get any worse, i get fired from my job, just perfect huh? i really was not in the mood to do cooking right now so i went to the 7/11 next to my apartment to pick up my regular microwave meal. i was scanning the shelves until one packet caught my eye. does that say what i think it does...
i picked up the packet with shaking hands as i read the brand name under my breath. "eddie spaghetti" i dropped that packet immediately until the guy working came over to ask if i was okay. i picked it back up and i was right. of course it didn't say eddie spaghetti. the guy chuckled softly "not a big fan of easy spaghetti huh?" easy spaghetti. god. i was going crazy. i laughed hesitantly in response and left the store without another word.

i got home and i wasn't in the mood to eat anymore. i just wanted all this to go away, why does all the bad stuff happen to me? i walked to the balcony and stared at the stars. eddie always used to say that people who had passed on turned into stars, just like his dad. he always  said that his dad was the brightest star in the sky but my brightest star? it always has and always will be edward kaspbrak. he had always been my star even when he wasn't... you know. i smiled softly as i rested my chin in my hand. "hey eds." i muttered "god, if you were here right now you'd be laughing at me, calling me an idiot for talking to the stars..." i let out a sad laugh as my eyes started to well up "...but i really miss you eds. god i miss you more than anything" i couldn't hold it in anymore, i put my head in my hands and broke down crying. "why did you have to go eds, WHY?! please say this is just a nightmare and you're okay. that you're going to call me right now and tell me how much you lo-" i looked down with rivers of tears streaming down my face to hear the sound my phone ringing. "...eddie?" i whispered as grabbed my phone from my pocket. "hello...who is this..?" i said, my voice breaking though the tears. "hey rich, it's..."

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