You like me?

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This chapter will be continuing with AJ pov but there will also have Dash pov in this chapter too and like I said before there will be no other ships in this story apart from Appledash

Enjoy :)

AJ pov
I kissed Dash on the lips but she didn't respond or even kiss back which worried me as I already knew she didn't like me back

I pulled away from her and looked into her eyes while still holding her hand.

She looked at me with an uneasy look in her eyes and looked like she was in shock

"Dash?" I said confused as she hadn't said anything

"You... Love... Me...." She said putting a hand over her mouth and gasping

"Ah do love ya Dash I always have" I admitted to her

"How long," she asked me sighing

"Ah long time maybe since we've been kids," I said smiling at her

"Dash, I understand if you don't feel the same but I will always love you," I said sighing to myself

She then put a finger to my lips to shush me and gave me a little smile and I started blushing

"AJ, you know you could have just told me the truth about how you felt," she said looking concerned which was weird as I've never seen this side of her before

"But Dash, I didn't know how you felt about me I still don't and I thought you liked soarin," I said still confused

She then burst out laughing

"Dash, this isn't a laughing matter," I said rolling my eyes

"Geez AJ, I would never like soarin like that," she said laughing at me

I playfully punched her on the arm

"Was the Applejack element of honesty jealous?" she said gasping in shock and started teasing me

"No ah'm not," I said feeling my cheeks getting more red

"Oooooh you are jealous" she continued to tease

"Fine, ah was jealous," I said laughing

"I KNEW IT," She said laughing so hard that she fell over

"But what about you didn't you like that caramel guy," she said still confused

"Looks who's jealous now," I said teasing her now

"I'm not I just thought you liked boys," she said looking at me in the eyes

"No I've never liked him, I'm not interested in boys," I said sitting down beside her

"So what about you," I asked her

"Oh I don't like them either, they're so annoying," she said sighing

"Really, so who do you like then," I asked her

"Well, there is someone I do like..." She said raising her eyebrows

"Who," I asked


End of chapter and yes it was a short one but I'll definitely update again soon

Let me know what you thought of it, sorry to all you soarindash shippers so don't start hating on me for my opinion and this is a Appledash story after all :)

See you soon you awesome people


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