The lake

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"You up for a vacation?" Callum walked into Rayla's room as she finished putting on her boots while she sat on her freshly made bed.
"Vacation?Why?" Rayla asked as she stood up and walked over to Callum. She was in her usual getup, her hair was in a long side braid.
"The council has requested that everyone in the castle take a few days while the rest of the castle gets fixed after the damage from the storm" Callum answered as he leaned against the door frame.
"Oh, and what about everyone else?" Rayla asked as she began to walk alongside Callum down the hall to his room which is where they spent most of their free time because Callum had a better view from his balcony.
"Ezran, Corvus, Opeli, and Soren are going to the banther lodge, Amaya and Janai are going back to Lux aurea, and most of the council is staying in the village" Callum finished.
"And are we going to be joining Ezran?" Rayla asked as the two walked out onto the balcony, the warm summer air covering their faces like a warm blanket.
"Actually, I thought maybe we could take a trip down to the lake. We have a small lodge up their too, we don't use it much though, I thought maybe it could fun?" Callum asked awkwardly, awaiting Rayla's answer.
"Sure, sounds fun" she cheerfully answered. She needed a vacation, things lately have been stressful. With her knew duty as the last dragon guard while also trying to balance her home life was getting to be a lot, so a vacation down at a remote lake sounded like just the thing she needed to calm down.

"Bye everyone!" Ezran shouted and waved as all the friends went their separate ways. Callum and Rayla rode off on their horses that they borrowed from the castle stables, a tall dark brown one, and a silky white one. It was mid day, Callum predicted they'd get to the lake just before night fall with enough time to unpack and go for a quick swim.

The trip they was peaceful, they stopped a few times to either let the horses rest or other things.

Finally, they arrived at the lake. The sun was setting and beamed off the lake like a diamond in the sunlight. It was peaceful and more beautiful then Rayla had imagined. The lake was lined with trees spread far apart, and old ruins covered in moss and vines.
"Alright, we're here!" Callum said, hopping off his horse and then helping Rayla down from hers.
"Wanna go for a swim?" Callum asked beginning to take off his scarf and gloves. Rayla froze, she forgot that going to lake actually meant going swimming IN THE LAKE.
"Oh, uh, I think I'll sit this one out" Rayla turned back around from her horse where Callum was already shirtless and just in shorts. He was skinny, Rayla had only ever seen him shirtless one other time and that was when Ezran had thrown ice cold water on him so he had to take of his shirt in order to keep him from freezing to death.
"Please? It'll be fun!" Callum pleaded.
She couldn't say no, he was too cute to say no to.
"Ugh, fine. Just let me go get ready" Rayla agreed before walking into the large cabin that was to her left.

It was old looking but the inside was amazing, it had a high ceiling, a large stone fire place, and a HUGE kitchen. Rayla walked upstairs and into the master bedroom. It had a large, freshly made bed in the center with large windows all around the room giving it an open feel.

She walked out in pants that went down to her knees and a brown bando. Callum, who was already in the water, turned around and smiled.
"C'mon! It's super nice!" Callum shouted from half way to the middle of the lake.
"How nice? Is it cold? If it's cold I'm not getting in. Are there snakes, I hate snakes. And mud, is there mud?" Rayla rambled and didn't notice callum who had swum closer to the shore.
"Rayla, it's fine! The water is perfect" Callum reassured her.
Rayla contemplated, then followed Callum into the surprisingly warm water. She still shivered as the water hit her torso though. Callum held her hand and continued to pull Rayla out into the lake where the water was almost to their shoulders.
"See this isn't bad, right?" Callum held Rayla by the waist against him as they swayed in the water.
"I guess" Rayla giggled.
The two looked at each other before leaning in and kissing each others soft lips. They pulled away then put there foreheads together. Callum reached forward and held Rayla's hair as they passionately kissed for another few minutes.

After being in the water for almost an hour, the two helped each other out and walked back into the cabin where they cleaned up and put on pajamas.
Rayla laid down on the large bed in the master bedroom, waiting for Callum to join her. He walked in, shirtless and his hair wet. He tossed his towel onto a stool in the bathroom.
"Today was fun" Callum said, laying down in the bed next to Rayla.
"Yeah, it was" Rayla answered, turning over and laying on Callum's chest.
"I love you" Callum said.
"I love you more" Rayla teased. She snuggled into Callum's neck as they quickly fell asleep.

Callum sat up, the sun rising and peaking through the thin curtains. Rayla was next to him, adorably snuggled into the pillow he was laying on. Her mouth was slightly agape, her breathing light. Callum leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her nose. She scrunched it and her eyes slowly blinked open. She mumbled something on the lines of "The suns barley up" and "Go back to sleep".

"Good morning to you too" Callum chuckled. He laid back down next to her, her purple eyes meeting his. God sometimes he couldn't handle how beautiful she was. How lucky he was to have such an amazing girlfriend.
Rayla arched her back, stretched out her arms, and yawned then fell back down to the bed and snuggled against him, her hot breath tickling his cheek.

"How'd you sleep?" Rayla asked, leaning onto Callum's shoulder.
"Mmm, good." Callum leaned down and kissed Rayla  on the lips, then down to her chin and over to her cheek. She giggled as she kissed back, moving her hands to his head and running her fingers through his messy brown hair. Callum moved over slightly on top of her and with a nod of permission and an even smaller nod of confirmation, he began to kiss down her neck.

Small noises of thanks escaped Rayla's mouth as Callum continued to move down her neck. He pulled away, admiring his handy work. He went to continue but Rayla flipped him over with a large amount of strength that caught him off guard. She copied Callum, kissing his jaw then moving down his neck. After a few minutes of the same pattern, she fell onto his chest with a sigh of relief. She looked up at Callum, the two locked eyes as Callum dragged his fingers through Rayla's silky smooth hair. Rayla giggled on his jaw as she threw herself off the bed and over to the bathroom.
"You're cute" Callum shouted from the bed as Rayla began to brush out the small tangles in her hair.
"I know!" Rayla laughed.

Rayla saw in the corner of her eye Callum smile before getting out of bed himself.
"So what do you wanna do today?" Callum asked quietly coming behind Rayla and wrapping his arms around her waist.
Rayla smiled, "I don't know, what do you wanna do today?" she turned her head and kissed him softly.

Hey loves, sorry it took my so long to get this chapter out! And I now it isn't the best but I'm going on vacation so i'll have time to start the next one and hopefully get it out by this coming weekend!❤️

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