➸ Chapter Eleven: A Night to Remember

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I stare at Will in silence, my heart beating against my ribs like it wants to fly to him.

"I love you too," Will repeats, a tinge of something resembling pride colouring his tone.

He reaches a hand out to me and I twine my fingers with his. It feels like a dream to be with him, let alone to have him tell me that he loves me.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Will asks suddenly.

"I'm practising my routine for the showcase tomorrow afternoon."

"Can I pick you up after?" Will asks, looking at me hopefully like he's asking me out for the first time. Which I suppose he is.

"I'd love that."

Will and I stay under the light of the stars until my eyes flutter shut. Then, Will lifts me up and brings me back to my bed. He pulls my covers back and lays me down gently. He brings my covers back up and I snuggle into the warmth of my bed.

Will brushes a kiss across my forehead and I fall asleep before he's even left the room.

The next morning, I wake up with a smile on my face. I let my fingers brush against my lips and remember the way it feels to kiss Will. I shiver at the thought of doing it again. I push myself up into a sitting position and tilt my face up to the sunlight that filters through my blinds.

I spot a note on my bedside table with a familiar scrawl on it.

I'll pick you up this afternoon. I love you, I love you, I love you. -W

A smile tugs at my lips and I trace my finger over Will's words.

Suddenly, my door is thrown open and Zoe rushes in.

"Hi, Mommy," She says, flopping onto my bed.

"Hi, sweetie. Mommy's going to the dance studio for a little while. Do you want to come?"

"Sure, Mommy, I'll get ready."

Zoe bounds out of the room with more energy than I've seen in a while. For some reason, she seems to really like Will. I just hope it lasts. But maybe it doesn't. Maybe Will leaves again. Maybe I'm left alone to pick up the pieces again. But living a life without love because I'm afraid of being hurt isn't a life at all. I'd rather love a hundred people and get hurt a hundred times than close myself off. Perhaps I'm being a little naive. But shouldn't we all be a little naive? Believe in the best of things for a change? Be hopeful?

But at the moment, I don't have time to wax philosophically about how to live a fulfilled life. So, I rise from my bed and stretch my arms, fingertips pointing towards the sky. I can feel my spine elongate and every part of me starts to wake up fully. I have a quick breakfast and write a note for my mom, telling her that Zoe and I are at the studio. I change into my workout gear and add my clothes for my date with Will tonight. At least, I think it is a date.

Zoe and I make our way down the street, her hand latched onto mine. The first flakes of snow fall from the grey sky. Zoe tilts her head back and opens her mouth, waiting for the snow to land on her tongue.

We arrive at the dance studio, my breath puffing out in front of me like a white cloud. The ivy that twines across the building is coated in a light coat of frost.

I push open the doors and smile at Sara, who sits behind the receptionist's desk.

"Your usual is open." She calls from behind the desk, giving Zoe a little wave.

Zoe stares back silently, her eyes appraising, before smiling a little.

"Thanks, Sara."

Zoe and I make our way to the studio. I pull open the door and usher Zoe inside. I toss my bag to the floor and Zoe plops down cross-legged on the floor. I start to warm up, my body slowly becoming pliable and limber. My new routine is different than my other one. More upbeat and hopeful. I've been trying to put everything I've been feeling for the past couple months into it.

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