➸ Chapter Twelve: Falling Into Place

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"So," Professor Davis starts, "I think I may have found the perfect opportunity for you."

After class, he pulled me aside and asked if we could continue our conversation from earlier. I can't even describe how thankful I am that he's helping me. He continues with his explanation.

"I contacted an old friend about the possibility of you interning at his firm and I think he would be open to the idea."

"What do they do?" I ask, scrunching up my face a little at the thought of joining a firm just like my dad's and getting sucked back into a world I want nothing to do with.

"They provide HR consulting to other firms."

Although it might not be exactly what I want to do, at least it's a start.

"That actually doesn't sound terrible. Could I think about it and get back to you?"

"Sure, no problem."

I stand up to leave and hesitate.

"I just wanted to say thank you, for doing this for me." I pause. "And for believing in me, I guess."

"It was my honour."

I close Professor Davis' door behind me and stroll down the hallways lined with alumni's photos. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I dig it out.

A: We still on for tonight?

Allie invited me to her showcase. It's the first time I've seen her dance since the car accident. That's the way I categorize everything now. Before the car accident and after the car accident. I still have flashbacks...but they're a bit easier now because I know that Allie is just a call away. And even though that doesn't fix everything, it makes it a hell of a lot easier. Anyways, I'm really excited to see her dance. The only drawback is she also invited Ian. And Zoe. So, that's going to be an interesting night. Thankfully, Carter, Allie's mom, and Bree are there as well, to create a buffer between Ian and Zoe if nothing else. I text Allie back.

W: Yeah, can't wait to see you tonight. Love you.

My phone vibrates a few seconds later.

A: I can totally wait, I'm so nervous. Love you too.

W: You'll be amazing. Trust me, baby.

A: Crossing fingers.

W: And toes.

A few hours later, Carter and I show up at the auditorium where the showcase is going to be held. Rows upon rows of seats are lined up in front of a stage. The curtains are drawn and spotlights are directed to the stage. A lot of seats are already filled and Carter and I search the rows for a few empty seats. Allie's mom catches my eye and I point her out to Carter. We head over to her and it's only then that I see that Zoe, Bree and Ian already arrived. Zoe is on the right side of Ian and she's chattering brightly with him. A pained looking Bree sits to his left. When Carter and I arrive, Bree barely spares us a glance while Allie's mom stands up and hugs us both. Zoe stops talking for a second and hugs both me and Carter tightly, then runs back to Ian like he's going to disappear.

Carter drops into a seat but I hesitate. I really don't want to spend more time around Bree and Ian than I need to. So, I say,

"I'm going to see if I can find Allie and wish her luck."

No one really notices when I leave.

I wander the halls around the auditorium until I find a door labelled 'backstage'. I push the door open and I'm immediately swamped by a deluge of activity. Everyone is running around with panic etched on their faces. Vanities with bright lights cover half the room while clothes racks take up the other half. A woman with a clipboard is yelling at the rushing people. I head over to her in the hopes she'll know where Allie is.

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