August 12th, 1946

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A squad of Four American "Easy 8" Sherman Tanks roll through a village in Virginia. They are the last defense against the German Panzers that are landing to strike at Washington. All around them are the bodies of fallen soldiers and burned out Tanks and all the detritus of war. As the Tanks pass a partially collapsed two-story brownstone, a young girl, no older than twelve, blond and wearing a blue sundress steps onto the side of the road and waves to the commander of the lead tank. It is not an energetic wave, or a call to victory; she simply holds an open hand up in the air, clothes and hair bright against the rubble around her. The commander returns the wave, off hand resting on the handles of the machine gun on the turret. Each tank commander returns it as their machines pass by, on the way to their certain demise. the girl watches them go knowing that they will soon be gone forever, but praying for them anyway. For the Lead tank commander was her father. While Germany begins to crumble due to their mass fuel shortages and manpower shortages took their hold and the German front line know beginning to run out of bullets, Tanks, Artillery and Gas.

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