why is drooper all wet

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Andy's pov: So as we went to the backstage I was suprised to see how big the place is. Also I was kinda annoyed because that instagram guy won't stop talking facts about the banana splits but finally we made it to where the banana splits supposed to be.
Nobody's pov:
Beth tells austin to take care of the kids while she went to go look for mitch, as she leaves suddenly the lights turn off.

Paige pov: it's okay it's only.......

Lights turn back on

Paige pov: The banana splits!

Andy's pov: all of us looked suprised  as we clapped as Paige tells us to be in line for a picture the first people were of course the instagram couple.
I looked at my mom as she was amazed to see the banana splits in person.

Karen's pov: isn't this great honey? your meeting the banana splits!
Andy nods as he smiles
Andy: yeah thanks mom.
He hugs me as I hugged him back
Karen : you're welcome sweetie.

Nobody's pov: chucky watched as Paige took pictures when Johnathan went up to her as he asks her to see the producer however Paige refuses chucky raised an eyebrow looking confused. that's when chucky heard thaad saying something about strawberry,
Chucky looks over to thaad and poppy as thaad licked his finger.
Thadd: no that's not strawberry. I don't know what this is?
Chucky tilts his head as he looked up to the banana splits as they were just standing still. Chucky was getting a little suspicious now that's when he noticed that stevie is not here

Chucky: stevie? where stevie?
Thaad and poppy heard chucky as they looked down at him
Thaad: stevie? Your right where is he? But I don't really care because no one really cares about stevie.
Chucky just stared blankly at thaad as he look back at andy and his mom as it was their turn andy nudges chucky to come because it was picture time. soon andy picked up chucky and soon got in position with the banana splits. Soon Paige took the picture as the Barclays smiled.
Paige: go to our website and download your pictures their.
Karen: thank you.
Karen: Andy I'll be right back. I'm gonna go check on harley's mom ok you mind?
Andy shook his head
Andy: no I don't mind go ahead.
Karen nods as she went.
Paige then aproached to harley and zoe as they were ready to take their picture, that's when suddenly Johnathan and parker went off to the other stages to find the producer.
Paige then notices
Paige: hey! You can't go over there!
She soon chases after them.
The others were suprised
Thaad: this is great babe we can check out the other stages come on.
Poppy then follows.
however harley was worried
Harley: what about our picture?
Austin tries to cheer him up,
Austin: hey its ok, I mean we have the banana splits all to ourselves.
Harley then nods as he Tugs zoe and they went up to the splits.
Andy and Chucky watched as they went up as well.
Austin Then went to go check on Beth as well.

Harley was the first the speak
Harley : hi I'm Harley and these are my friends zoes, andy and chucky
Both andy and zoe said sup at the same time as chucky just waved nervously. As the splits remained still then that's when Harley noticed that drooper's nose was wet.
Harley: why is drooper all wet?
Suddenly Drooper looked down at them as he lowered his arm for a high five as zoe high fives him as drooper went back to his original position.
Andy thought it was kinda creepy as he heard Harley
Harley: where's snorky?
They all looked as Andy was kinda suprised that they never noticed snorky was missing.
Andy feels sorry but then tells harley that they should find him zoe agrees same with chucky as Harley finally nods as the for of them went off to find snorky.

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