we're gonna have so much Fun!

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Johnathan and parker were finding the runner of the network after Rebecca told them that the show is cancelled however Johnathan won't give up.
As they made it to Andy's office
Parker: daddy I want to go home.
Johnathan: come on Parker this is our only chance.
and with that he opens the door.
Johnathan: Are you ready to meet your next Superstar?!
Nobody answers as Johnathan looked at the arm chair.
Johnathan: Hey! I'm talking to you.
That's when drooper gets up from the chair
Parker: Daddy I'm scared.
Johnathan: it's ok sweetie it's just a puppet.
He looks back to Drooper as he was holding a cigar and spray
He then shoots fire at Johnathan as he was screaming in pain.
Parker screams and tries to make a run for it, only for Bingo to block her and covers her head with a sack.
Johnathan falls down as he groans in pain.
Mitch was waiting for beth and the kids as he was getting a bit impatient, he decided to go get them until head lights turn on as mitch saw snorky in the banana buggy.
Mitch then started running dropping his phone and got crushed by the tires of the banana buggy, mitch continues running as snorky was pursuing him
Mitch: why are you doing this to me?!
Suddenly there was a dead end as mitch moved a side as snorky missed.
Mitch ran back to the main lobby
Were the guard was
Mitch: help me there trying to kill me.
The guard doesn't answers as mitch taps him as the guards head falls off
As mitch screams until finally snorky hits him.


Andy's pov:
Fleegle took us to a place that I assumed is where they got built he let us in first as he was behind us until he was stopped at the doorway
Zoe: what is this place?
Harley: I guess where they got made?
We all looked at him confused
Andy: are you sure he's here?
He nods
Harley: where?
He points to the direction
As we went over
By this time I was getting really nervous, I mean why would snorky be here?
We went over to a cage
Harley: snorky
Suddenly a girl popped out
Parker: get me out of here!
We then hear heavy footsteps behind us as fleegle had red eyes and spoke.

Nobody's pov:
Fleegle: I brought friends!
He opens the gate and pushes Harley, zoe and andy in and locking it.
Andy : hey! What you think your doing?!
They all looked at Fleegle
Fleegle: were gonna have so much fun!
But fleegle notices that one of them was missing, it was chucky he looks at the side and see's two glowing red eyes under the work table as he walks over and tries to reach him
Chucky crawls out from under the table and makes a run to the exit
Chucky: I'll get help Andy!
Fleegle then follows chucky.

Chucky managed to escape from the cage since he was small and kinda fast, soon chucky made his way out and hide behind one of the boxes as he saw drooper coming down the hallway.

Drooper's pov: I was walking down the hallway when I saw fleegle coming out from karl's workplace
So I approached him
Drooper: Hey fleegle what you doing?
Fleegle: I was just putting the kids in the cage for our show.
I nodded
Fleegle: but I'm looking for one.
I tilt my head
Drooper: who?
Fleegle: that little doll.
Drooper: you mean the one that the older boy has?
Fleegle nods
Fleegle: yep, he's hiding somewhere, so keep an eye on a look out for him, and if you find him bring him to our show where the rest of our friends are.
I nodded
Drooper: okay
Nobodys pov:

Beth, Karen and Austin made it inside and met up with Paige where no one was in the spot where they were taking the pictures
Beth: where is everybody
Paige: they were all just here......
They looked at each other
Paige: they're probably just exploring the rest of the stages.
Soon the 4 of them went to main stage where they saw Rebecca
Both Karen and Beth worried but Rebecca Asures them that everything is ok
Suddenly Johnathan came out from the door as he fell
All of them were shocked
Rebecca: sir?! Sir?! What happened?!
Johnathan: they did this to me!
Both Beth and Karen: who?
Johnathan: the banana.... splits!
They all looked at each other
Rebecca: Paige call 911! Now!
Paige then goes
Rebecca: this doesn't make any sense the banana splits don't hurt people.
Karen: we have to look for the kids!
Karen goes as Both Beth and austin followed
Karen: ANDY?!
Beth: Harley?!
They both shouted their kids names as they went into bingo's forest when they heard thumping noise.
Karen: what was that?
Austin: Bingo.
Suddenly bingo came down, grabs austin and pulls him up both Beth and Karen looked behind to see no austin as Beth was shouting his name.
They both look up to see bingo and austin, Beth and Karen went up
Bingo: times almost up...!
Beth: for you!
Beth then grabs bingo and tries to push him off as Karen was helping her too.
Bingo fell down with his arm caught on a rope and ripped off
Beth then hugs austin as they turn to Karen.
Beth: thanks for the help.
Karen nods as the three of them went down as they heard crying coming from Fleegle's magic shop , so they went over and to their horrifying discovery they saw poppy crying next thaad as he was sawed in half
Karen: oh my god....
Poppy looks over to them
Poppy: he asked me to marry him.
Karen: we are so sorry
Beth nods
Karen: have you seen our kids?
Poppy nods
Poppy: fleegle took them.
Beth and Karen looked at each other shocked.
Beth: it's not safe here you have to come with us
Poppy shook her head
Poppy: I don't want to leave him.

Karen: look we know how you feel but he'll probably doesn't want anything to happen to you, please you have to come with us.
Eventually poppy finally gets up as she went up to them Beth nods
as they have to go find the kids.

the child's play splitsWhere stories live. Discover now