Chapter Five- negative overrides the positive

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Veronica's pov
After I said yes to Noah we stayed there and talked for a good hour. Honestly I can't believe I am his girlfriend! Sure Grace will be at school tomorrow but I am not worried about her at all.

Grace pov
I was siting in my room thinking about what I am going to do to that bitch Veronica tomorrow when my dad bursts open my room door.

Graces dad - "Why the fuck didn't you do the dishes! I told you to do the dishes and I told you that you better have them done when I got home. And look at me I'm home and those dishes still aren't done! You're so ungrateful and worthless you can't even do anything that I ask."

Grace- "Dad i'm really sorry I was too busy cleaning my room see it's all vacuumed and I cleaned everything out from under my bed under my nightstand. I meant to do them I just got so tired after I got done I just took a break and I just forgot. Please don't hurt me I'm really sorry.

Grace's dad - "Ughh your always sorry! Enough of this bull shit!"

Grace's dad then slaps her across the face. Grace stared to cry a little bit.

Grace's dad - "Now get in there and clean that damn living room and kitchen! Also make me some country fried steak with some gravy and some butter beans."

Grace- Yes sir."

Grace's mom passed in 2011, and ever since then Grace's dads never been the same. Every night he would go to the bars and go get drunk some nights he didn't even come home. Ever since Grace's mom passed .Grace has had to do everything by herself such as cleaning the house making dinner and even taking care of herself. Growing up as a woman was hard for her because her mother was never there for a good portion of her life. That's why she's so mean to everyone and the only friend she gets she abuses them by making them fight people ordering them around and even she would go so far as to hurt them. Everyone runs away from Grace because well she's just mean to them. Grace has never known what a true friend feels like because all of her friends have ran away.

The next day

Grace's pov
I heard my alarm clock and I rolled over and pushed snooze. I sighed I'm just thinking to myself you know maybe if I look at today with a positive outlook maybe I can go to school and make some friends you know what today starting today I'm going to change I'm going to be a different person. I'm going to try my best to stay positive and I'm going to try my best to make friends sure me and Veronica have it out but maybe we can try to be friends who knows.  I'm done hating Everybody even Veronica.

I get up brush my hair get dressed go eat breakfast and then drive myself to school.

I get to school I take a breath I get out of my car and I go inside as I walked in the door people started looking at me and hatred like why is she here why did she come back. That is the feeling that I got when I walked into this room or should I say building. I pay them no mind and I just keep walking holding my head up telling myself that today will be a good day. As I come around to the corner where Veronica's locker is. I see Noah and her holding hands and then I see five girls beside her even my ex best friend was in the group. I couldn't believe this I was so filled with hatred I'm so mad he broke up with me for her she broke up with me for her wow wow wow is all I could say. I walked up to her and threw my ice coffee in her face and then walked away .

Veronica's pov
I was standing at my locker talking to Noah and my friends when all of a sudden I saw Grace come around the corner I couldn't believe it she look different something new about her. I didn't pay it any mind though I just kept talking and having a good time with my friends when all the sudden she came up to me and threw her ice coffee in my face she didn't even say a word to me not one single word she just looked at me with the most resting bitch face I've ever seen in my entire fucking life and through her gosh dang ice coffee in my face I was so mad.

Noah - "Omg babe are you okay?"

Veronica- "Yes but does anyone have another outfit on them?"

Chloe - "Yeah girly I got you! I even have a matching Chanel bag to go with it if you want."

Veronica- " no thanks I'll just take the outfit. I'll wash it tonight and bring it back to you tomorrow thank you so much. Girls would you please come with me to the bathroom."

Girls - "Yes we will help you clean up."

Noah - "Hey before you go I know something that might make it better."

Veronica- "What's that?"

I was in kisses me on the cheek and inside I'm flipping my shit.

Noah- "Better?"

Veronica - "Yes."

I go to the bathroom and the girls help me wash off we also redid my make up because that bitch messed it up.

Noah's pov
I knew this bitch was crazy she just spilled iced coffee all over my girlfriend and for what reason. Honestly it's probably because we are dating now. I go looking for her because I want to make her apologize to Veronica.  Finally found her I walked up to her and tapped her on her shoulder.

Grace- "Oh hello handsome how can I help you this fine morning."

Noah - " you suck honestly. Why did you have to do that to her there was no reason none whatsoever what is your problem?

Grace/ " I hate her she gets away with everything she beat the shit out of me the first day that she came here oh and then I am the one who got to spend it when she was the one who actually did more damage. Sure what I did I was pretty fucked up but she turned around and did the same thing to me so I think we're even. Then she started dating you Noah What we had was so special and I can't believe you threw it away for her. Oh yeah did I mention you broke up with me and got with her oh and did I also mention that my ex best friend broke up with me and went to her to not only that she made like four more friends while I was away and do you know how many friends I have Noah know you don't even if you didn't know you wouldn't care so just shut the fuck up and leave me alone no matter what you say I'm not gonna apologize to her."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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