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"It's mine" Minho shouted "No I want it" "I ordered the food so I should get the last piece hyung it's only fair" "But you always have the last piece and I always have to sit here and watch you stuff your cheeks till they're all squishy and round"...

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"It's mine" Minho shouted "No I want it" "I ordered the food so I should get the last piece hyung it's only fair" "But you always have the last piece and I always have to sit here and watch you stuff your cheeks till they're all squishy and round" "You don't have to watch me eat it tho •_•""That's not the point" "Oh I see hyung you love looking at me " "No-" "you're always following me around, hyung do you love me " "Stop trying to deflect attention away from the food" "Ooo you wanna kiss me so bad" Minho slammed his hand on the wall placing it right next to Jisung's head "yeah I do" he said aggressively. Jisung's ears began to turn red and he looked towards the ground. Minho loved seeing Jisung all flustered and began to smirk. He leaned down and whispered in Jisung's ear "what's the matter don't you wanna kiss me too" "Well I-" Jisung began while looking but stopped when he saw how close their faces were. "Well what, come on say it don't be shy~" Minho teased. "H-hyung you're too close" Jisung said while directing his attention back towards the ground. "What you need to be a bit louder Hannie I couldn't hear you" he teased again. "You're too close"Jisung said his eyes still focused on the ground. "Ok bye bye, and you can have the food I don't want it anymore". Jisung stood still unable to move, his face still red from the events that had just taken place. He was still trying to process what had happened. He bit his lip "did hyung... actually want to kiss me".

~time skip by one week~

It had been a week since the kiss incident had taken place. Since then Jisung had been doing everything he could to avoid Minho. It hurt to do this but he just couldn't face him properly after what happened. He had never even thought of Minho in such a way before but after what he did it was the only thing on his mind. He couldn't even focus on producing music for their next comeback. "Jisung are you alright you seem very spaced out recently"  Chan said in a concerned tone. "Yeah I'm good just have a lot on my mind lately" he replied. "Ok if you need anyone to talk to I'm right here" Chan said. "Yes Hyung, but i think I'm just gonna go back to the dorms" Jisung said while waving an walking away. 

~time skip~

As Jisung entered he was met with Minho sitting and watching TV. He got super flustered and he didn't know why so he just decided to walk passed as quickly as possible while avoiding eye contact. As he was walking by someone grabbed his wrist. "Wait" Minho said, "can we talk.. please" he continued and looked at Jisung with pleading eyes. "O-ok what do you want to talk about" he said. "Well this past week you've been avoiding me and whenever we do end up together you always act so awkward" Minho paused and looked at Jisung with a sad expression "did i do something wrong" he continued. "No no of course not" Jisung replied almost instantly "then what's wrong" Minho asked "it's nothi-" "don't lie to me I  know something is wrong just tell me" Minho interrupted concern evident in his voice. "Well I mean it's just that" Jisung sighed "you said you wanted to kiss me" he said a little quietly.

"O-oh is that what's wrong" Minho replied letting go of Jisung's wrist. "Sorry did that make you uncomfortable I just thought you'd be ok with it since I always do stuff like that" he continued. "I know you always do stuff like that but this time felt.. different" Jisung said while trying to avoid Minho's gaze (get it gaze gays ahaha I'm not funny ;-;) "what do you mean different how" Minho asked confused. Well it just felt so real, as if you actually meant it" Jisung answered "did you mean it hyung, did you.. actually want to kiss" Jisung said finally looking Minho in the eye. Minho placed his hand on Jisung's cheek caressing it slightly as he took his hand with the other and said "of course". There was silence for a bit before Minho decided to break it "do you want me to kiss you" he asked in a soft tone. Jisung just stared at him for  while "yes i do" he replied and with that Minho closed the distance between their lips. The kiss was short and sweet "I love you" Minho said "I love you too" Jisung replied. They kissed again and all was good .  

Ooo you wanna kiss me so bad (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now