Never tickle a sleeping dragon

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"Dormiens nunquam titillandus Draco (I used google translate, sorry if it's wrong)


"Yes Helga."

"We need a motto for the school."

"... That's not a bad idea."

"See! I do have good ideas!"

"I never said you didn't. That was Godric."

"Sorry, Godric is an idiot. Speaking of which, where are Godric and Salazar?"

"I don't know, hopefully Sal will stop Godric from doing anything stupid"



"Godric. Why are you dragging me into the forest in the middle of the night?"

"I'm going to tickle a sleeping dragon!"

"... That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Don't tickle a sleeping dragon."

"I will! And you'r going to watch!"

"You are an idiot."

"Please Sal?"

"Only so to witness your death and to thank the dragon."

"Come on Sal! You know you love me!"

"... Are you trying to flirt with me?"


"You are an idiot."

"Said that already! Now, where's that dragon?"


The Great Hall doors open with a bang. Salazar comes in dragging a bloody Godric.

"Sal! What happened!" Yells Helga.

Sal drops Godric, turning to face the others. 

"This idiot decided that it would be a good idea to tickle a sleeping dragon."

Godric mutters something under his breath as Rowena does a few medical scans. 

"Memo to self, Never tickle a sleeping dragon."

"Rowena! What is that in Latin?"

"Dormiens nunquam titillandus Draco"

"We found our motto!"

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