The hat

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"Rowena? How are we going to sort the students?"

"I don't know Sal, some sort of test?"

"We should have a set of tasks that they have to go through. Things like fighting a dragon, a maze..."

"For heavens sake Salazar! It seems like Godric's rubbing off on you! I know you like him so just ask him out, stop trying to impress him!"

Salazar blushes and replies, "I-I don't like him! He's..."

"Please. Besides I thought we where talking about how to sort the students. I was thinking a written exam on what house they think their in."

"And you say I am trying to impress Godric, your trying to show of for Helga! Take your own advice and ask her out! I mean..."

All of a sudden the doors to the Great Hall bang open. A drunk Godric and Helga stumble inside yelling about there way to sort the sudents.


Salazar and Rowena look at each other, considering. 

"That might work. How come they have the best ideas when their drunk?"

"I don't know Rowena, I don't know."

(Yes, most of these will be based of memes. If you want to see them you can look yourself, I'm too lazy to put them in here. It is also Salazar x Godric and Helga x Rowena)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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