Intro of the Family

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The library is where they currently are. Also this is their library.

Author: I wasn't able to introduce every main character. Well, let me introduce you to the characters. Now NONE are married. Yet. They branch into four families.

Stranger: Just get on with it.

Author: Shut up Karina. I have to explain everything to readers. As I was saying, their births and who they are is what sets everyone off. First of all everyone was born in less than four years. Second, they have weird powers or knacks. Now I'll start with one of the families.

Karina: Finally

Author: Karina is the sibling of three others. She is the oldest out of them. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She is 5'7. She usually is joyful and fun. Under certain circumstances she will be serious and threatening. Her father is a wizard (Harry Potter) and her mom is an elf (as in Lord of the Rings). However she takes after her father and is a witch. Her magic is actually interesting. Her specialty is illusions. However, her magic spreads out (meaning she can do various magic). *drops to a whisper* Sometimes her family likes to compare her to Loki.

Male voice: Just don't tell her.

Author: Please meet Thomas, Karina's brother. Thomas doesn't have any magic abilities, and sometime during his late teens he became a bounty hunter (Star Wars). Thomas has black hair and hazel eyes. His height is 5'6. He is dangerous as hunter, but is soft when it comes to family and friends. Thomas is third oldest. I would have gone in order if he hadn't interrupted me.

Author: Then we have Elizabeth next oldest. She has blondish- silver hair and her eyes are a bright blue. She is 5'6. Elizabeth takes after her mom and is an elf. She is calm and knows how to defend herself. She'll take offense if you make it look like she's a baby. She has been through elven wars before.

Elizabeth: Hey

Female voice: Then me

Author: Yes. Then Mariam. Mariam is actually an interesting story. No one knows completely what happened, but somehow her mother is Nike, the Greek goddess of victory. Her father is the same as the three others. The three treat her like their mother is her mother. She is 5'3, but she wins EVERY single time. Every. Single. Time. Her hair is black and her eyes are a gold with brown flecks.

Author: The next family. Lillian is the oldest with her siblings. Now Lillian's father is a wizard and her mom is a dark fey (like Maleficent) but from the Tundra tribe. For those who don't know what that means, she has white wings, hair, and horns. Without measuring her horns she is 5'6. Her eyes however are a black. She loves children and will protect anyone, even if they deserve to die.

Author: Matthew. White hair and brown eyes. His height is 5'7. His magic, however, is limited for some reason. He can't expand and use different types of magic like Kari. By the way I forgot to mention this, but both Kari and Matthew went to Hogwarts and were sorted in Slytherin. He is very curious about stuff he doesn't know. Sometimes that can get him in trouble, but he doesn't care.

Matthew: What's up? Don't take it personnel if not everyone says hi, we're kinda in panic mode. Well, I'm not but some of us are.

Author: Ok?? What happened?

Matthew: That is another story. You need to be focusing on introducing us, then my magic school years.

Author: Borra and yes I know I named him after the character Borra. So he is like Lillian, white hair, horns, and wings. His eyes are a green, grey, blue. He is a mix of his older siblings' personality.

Borra: *walks by not noticing anyone, shouting out one of his cousins*

Author: Then there's Meia and her group. Now basically except the last person, all dads are wizards. All wizards and witch, who are parents, are siblings. Meia has shoulder length black hair and her eyes are hazel. Meia's mom is half Chinese dragon and half human. So Meia is half-dragon. The half-dragon parts are tails not heads. She can make herself have legs but she likes her tail better. When she is in human form, she is 5'6. She is a bookworm and for kill you if you made a slight tear in one book.

Author: After Meia, is Luke. His hair is auburn and his eyes are blue. He is 5'9. Now when Luke was in his mother's womb, his mom was traveling with the TARDIS. Luke became effected is timelord (or just think River Song.) He is just like the Doctor, always ready to have an adventure with his family.

Luke: *in the distance shouts* I've got it! I've got a solution!

Author: Ok. Share it with me. Wait no, he'll just give me a lecture about the future and blah blah blah. Boring. Now where was I? Oh Yeah, Benjamin. *whistles* Now that is a story. You see when Benjamin was born, it happened in an alien hospital. After his mother just delivered him, the nurse put him down to sleep. However, a zealthier (demon-like, but different) injected its blood into Benjamin. The blood changed Ben's DNA, causing him to become half-zealthier. Man, you do not want to ever meet them. They were and still are considered the most dangerous alien in history. There were many zealthiers, but after a while people began hunting them down nearly to extinction. Zealthiers are angered VERY VERY EASILY. When they are fighting or they are angry, their hair turns into real flames and the whites of their eyes turn black. The pupils are replaced with flames too. They stretch their scaly wings to look more threatening and bare their fangs. Zealthiers are immune to explosions and fire. In fact, that stuff energizes them. They can live to a very long age. Basically that's what Benjamin is without the wings. The wings are born with the baby. Since Benjamin is human he doesn't have that. In fact if you really want to compare who is the oldest in real ages Benjamin is the oldest. But usually they don't do that.

Author: Hera is next. Hera is blonde haired girl with gray eyes. Her height is 5'4. She is a jedi knight. Her favorite thing to do is train the children and of course help out in the library. She has a sweet personality.

Author: Finally, the last group. Here we have Alistair and Ariana, who are twins. Alistair my man, my main man. Alistair is the older of the two and can turn invisible. He has dark brown hair and swamp colored eyes. He is 5'7. He doesn't like to open up to much people so it's really hard to say what his personality is. Ariana can control the earth. She has red hair and green eyes. She's 5'5. Ariana is loyal to her family and is very active in missions. Ariana say hi.

Ariana: *looks at the author then to the audience* Hey * then rolls her eyes muttering something about idiotic books*

Author: And finally Ethan. His element is speed. He always wanted to race against Quicksilver or the Flash if he could. He has sandy blonde hair and chocolate eyes. He is 5'6. Like Alistair, it's hard to say about his characteristics. Now if they're not siblings, they're cousins. I will give you the list of them according to birth and human age from oldest to youngest: Alistair, Karina, Ariana, Meia, Lillian, Matthew - Age 20 (currently); Elizabeth, Ethan, Luke- Age 19 (currently); Thomas, Benjamin, Borra - Age 18 (currently); Mariam, and Hera- Age 17 (currently). Just so you know in this book only Matthew, Karina, and Mariam (at one point) are going to be the main characters. Thomas and Benjamin will make an appearance. They all show up in the Swift books, because of course they are the Swifts.

This was my longest chapter. And it took a couple days to write. Now mind you, this is the only book that will have the powers and look and stuff like that. So if you forget, look back in the first book.

- RomeoMc

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