Chapter 1

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I don't own akatsuki no yona

Dedication goes to SliverLilac5 because her Fanfic is what saved me from going through Akatsuki no Yona withdrawals... Even if it was just putting it off a few more minutes. XD

Warnings: cursing, bloodshed and Angry old women


The night was crisp and clear a beautiful night where the stars filled the sky, so beautiful in fact it seemed to be mocking Kin.

"THIS IS SO NOT GOOD, IM SO LATE!" Kin yelled to the mocking moon above

'Damn it brother is going to kill me."

"Haha late again Kin-sama?"

"Shut up old hag." Kin yelled over his shoulder as he ran


Kin tried to Dodge the random things that came flying his way and watched as the items made dents into the sidewalk as they landed

''*Gulp* She's definitely trying to kill me.....oh my god is that an ax?!? WAHHHH WATCH IT YOU INSANE WOMEN!"

"Gezz Kin don't you know not to make fun of a woman's age?!?" A store keeper yelled out as Kin ran past the items still trying to end his life.

"Ya well I forgot she was a women." Kin muttered

"WHAT WAS THAT YOU BRAT?!?" Kin slowly turned around to see the 30 year old women chasing after him her hair taking on a life of its own and waving around in a demonic way.

"Right roof tops it is, just how good is that women's hearing anyway?" Kin started to run across the roofs finally escaping the women's wrath.

"Get back here kid and I'll make sure your death is a little less painful."

"Mataku she's almost as scary as brother....crap I forgot I'm still late!" Kin ran and wasn't sure if he was grateful to be escaping the demonic hair or heading towards his brother which would undoubtedly be worse.

Kin hesitated before the door his hand on the door handle

'I'll just walk in and apologize.....walk in and apologize, right here it goes.'

"I'M SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY I MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAY YONA" Kin bowed not daring to look up at the red head, he really missed up this time

'Damn it this was all Haks fault how could he assign me to guard duty at the end of town today of all days, that hard headed general just because I filled his drink with vanilla extract. Mataku that guy needs to learn how to take a joke'

The silence that filled the room after Kins outburst made him uneasy, was Yona really so angry she'd ignore him.

Well he did miss her birthday it was to be expected he supposed.

Kin cautiously looked up only to find the room completely empty

"Yona?" Kin asked confusion coating his voice it was late at night, Yona should of been in her room by now for sure.

Kins uneasyness from earlier grew and he ran out of the room frantically searching for the red head princess.

He didn't notice until now because he had used the roof tops to enter but the guards were missing or at least the ones around Yonas room were.

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