Chapter 4

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Warnings: UHH like cursing....and stuff....probably

Dedication goes to LynnaLe4 for the awesome Akatsuki no Yona Fanfic called Stop Being Stupid

Disclaimer: Don't own Akatsuki no yona


"Yona? Hak?" Kin yelled out only to be met with silence

"Hey you, come help me move this."

"HAK?!? YONA!?!" Kin ran past the boy

"Hey, hey don't start crying yet pick up the big one and follow me." Kin did so without complaint following behind the blonde boy.

His thoughts on what had happened only minutes before, maybe if he had been a little faster here, or hadn't moved there then he could've, or or or or

Kins thoughts went round and round, the blood from Haks wounds seeping through his own clothing.

"Hey uh their not dead so you umm shouldn't be so, you know?." Yoon said doing his best to comfort Kin.

"Sorry did you say something?" Kin asked absentmindedly his thoughts caught in a downward spiral.

"I just said that we're here." The embrassed Yoon covered.

"OK I need to make the medicine stay here and try to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on his wounds like this." Yoon said showing Kin and once he made sure that Kin was doing it right left to go make the medicine.

Kin watched as the blood soaked through the cloth that his trembling hands were holding, Haks face was twisted in pain his breathing labored.

"I was really really really glad I met you, you both saved me in so many ways And even through I promised myself that next time I would be their for you......." Kins tears slipped out and landed on the white cloth that was slowly turning red

"We're Friends, Y-y-your my precious MY precious friends

*sniffling * and I couldn't protect you." Kin said no longer able to keep his crying silent but broke into uncontrolled crying

"Baka we're not dead." Hak said bringing his hand down on Kins head and ruffling his hair.

"Y-your *hiccup* awake Hak?" Kins eyes widened before he hurribly tried to scrub the tears away with this sleeve to make sure he wasnt actually just seeing things.

"The dead would of woken up with how loud you were crying." Hak teased with a smirk

"B-but I-I couldn- *Hiccup*" Kin was unable to explain because as he was thinking about what had happened he had started crying again.

"Kin we're both alive. We're not dead" Hak said gently making sure that Kin was looking him in this eyes and understood what he meant.

"Un" Kin wiped his tears with that Haks hand slide off his head and Hak fell unconscious

"HAK, HAK, HAK!" Kin yelled shaking Haks shoulded

"Let him rest and move back your in the way." Yoon said as he pushed Kin out of the way but stopped as his hand came back covered in blood

"I didnt notice before because you looked fine but Your.....your wounds are just as bad as his maybe even worse." Yoon said stripping the clothing off of Kin to get a better look

How was he able to move let alone carry someone heavier then him all the way back here. He should be unconscious now.

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