Minotaur Maze

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"Oh yeah!"

On a random rooftop of a building at night, Raph and Mikey were trying to test their mystical weapons by fooling around with them. Mikey tried to kick at him but Raph had already blocked his attack with his tonfas.

On the other side, Eli, Donnie, and Leo stood behind the box turtle and watched them closely.

"Check this out!"

With a spin of his weapon - kusari-fundo, Mikey proceeded to make a fire blast after Raph. Which later formed itself into a large tornado, circling around the red.


"Uh-oh." Raph raised up his tonfas to make a shield and protect himself from his younger's attack. "Hot! Hot! Hot!"

Eli stared at the orange and yellow-like cyclone in awe. Mikey was still spinning his weapon while kneeling as the tornado got bigger over time.

Still, that wouldn't stop Raph from smirking more.

"Not bad, not bad. But check out these puppies."

He punched his fist together as the tonfas began sparking in red energy, creating two big clones of his own arms.


The fire around Raph soon being extinguished when he screamed and spread out his arms at the same time.

"Ooohhh..." The rest all looked at him in amazement, Mikey's eyes sparked.

"Me next, me next!!" Eli volunteered with her hand raised up.

"Be my guest, " Raph stepped backward, giving his sister some space to show off her weapon's skill.

As expected, Eli ran ahead and pulled out her gunsens, shouting:


Eli spun her fans around, causing the wind to be formed around her feet. The girl smirked, before leaping into the air, using the wind as a boost to jump even higher than any normal person could ever reach.

Her brothers gasped in shock. But as soon as they could think of anything, Eli had already landed safely at the edge of the rooftop, not forgetting to do a triple backflip in the middle of the air.

"Ohmigosh!" Mikey gasped, running up to her. "How can you do that?!"

"You mean the backflip move?"

"Yes!" Leo's voice became higher when he cried out, meaning that he was still shocked. "We didn't remember teaching you that insane move before."

"Leo's right." Raph crossed his arms. "You could've hurt yourself if you did it incorrectly."

"Who taught you that trick anyway?" Donnie questioned with one of his eyebrows raised.

"No one." Eli shrugged, she was calm more than her brothers thought she would be. "I did it myself, 'cause you guys never let me skateboard along in the lair."

"Well, just like I said from earlier, you could've been--"

"Hurt, yeah." Eli cut off Raph's sentence. "I'm not a kid anymore, Raph. If Mikey can skateboard, then I can also do a classic--okay not actually that classic backflip, too."

Raph glanced at her worriedly, before he sighed in defeat. "Fine...you win, sis. But that doesn't mean I'll let you skate in the lair. Not until you're thirteen, okay?"

"Okay." She smiled, pumping her fist at Raph's plastron. "You better keep your promise until that time comes, big brother."

"Cross my heart," Raph confirmed with his mouth curved into a smile. He turned around to face the others. "Now, who wants to go next?"

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