Down the Drain

322 15 20

Updated on 10-17-20

It was just a normal day for Izuku Midoriya.

Just a normal Sunday at the dorms.Izuku was hanging out with his close friends;Iida,Uraraka,Todoroki,Hitoshi,And Asui,at the couch.They were chatting about any topic they would tackle,like school or home life,all while they ignore the loud noise behind them.

Iida had scolded Kastuki's group many times,but ultimately gave up and let them do anything they were doing,only to scold them again if they were about to do anything stupid.The group were playing spin the bottle,daring the chosen player to do something.

At some point,Sero had approached Izuku's group to give each individual a hug,a dare given to him by Mina after making him do a bunch of nearly embarrassing things to himself.Of course the five of them welcomed him in their arms,smiling(except for Hitoshi,he was pretty flustered about it and ended up giving him a side-hug).

It was the nearly evening when the rest of their classmates came back.Yaoyorozu,Hagakure,Shoji,And Sato came through the door,plastic bags in hand."Hello,Everyone!We're back!",Yaoyoruzu greeted,passing by the two separate groups.

"Hey guys!Hows the shopping trip?",Mina asked,approaching her fellow classmates,excitement radiates from her.

"Me and Yaomomo bought some clothes,Shoji got some supplies for his workout,and Sato got some ingredients for his cake!",Hagakure replied,waving the bags being carried on one hand.

"Ooooh!Cake?",Mina turns her attention to Sato,"What kind of cake?"

"Well...I planned on making some caramel cake.I've haven't tried to make one before,so I'm making it today!",Sato searches his plastic bag,before he pulled out a piece of paper,a recipe written inside.

"Caramel cake?Thats cool!I bet it's gonna taste amazing!",Kirishima exclaimed,clutching his fist in a determined way.

"How about you go ahead and bake Sato.",Yaoyorozu encourages,"We could have the cake for dessert!"

"Yeah,maybe you could share some with the Teachers!",Uraraka added as she practically bounced on her seat.

Sato beamed,"Yeah!Thats a good idea!".And with that,the boy went straight into the kitchen.

"I bet Sato is going to make the best caramel cake ever!",Uraraka mutters to the group.

"Caramel...isn't it going to smile kinda like Bakugo?",Tsuyu bluntly said,ignoring how the explosive blonde,who heard her and sent off a few miniature explosions.

He was being held by Kirishima and Denki,who were holding in their laughter,as they try to prevent their friend from committing murder,ignoring how loud he was screaming.

"I'm pretty sure it will.",The purple-haired boy added,snickering when the angry screaming and yelling grew much louder.

Yup,a totally normal day for Izuku.


"Midoriya,you can have the first slice!"

"H-huh!?",Izuku jolted on his seat,flustered as Sato gives him a slice,"W-Why me?"

"Take it as a thank you for the training exercise last time.You were the one who carried the team with your quick thinking.",he places the plate in front of his green-haired Friend,"Besides,I did said I'd treat you with some cake."

Izuku chuckled,his freckled cheeks tinted with red blushes,"Thanks Sato!".He takes his fork and takes a bite of the cake,aware of the other's anticipation for his reaction.

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