Chapter 3

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Robin pov:

I followed Red Tornado from the holding chambers to the open kitchen and living room area. The rest of the team were hanging out as we had our private chat with Ghost King.

"Everyone to the sparring mat. We will be going over situations." Red tornado said as he walked past the the others. There were a few groans in response before the others followed into the sparring room.

Red Tornado took position at a console and hit a few buttons as a holographic city sprung to life with a building on fire. The holograms were fake but were made to be realistic. The holograms were as hard as the substance they looked like. Due to different systems in the room, the holograms would also be just as dangerous. The fire from the burning building may as well been real.

"Super boy your up first." Red tornado said before the holograms started moving and acting as if it was real. Sirens from the fire trucks were going off and firemen were shouting to each other as they battled the blaze. Officers were keeping civilians back and away so the firefighters could work. There were news vans reporting on the situation with reporters and camera men filming the tragedy that was unfolding.

Superboy stepped into the scene and immediately, a child who was being looked at by paramedics started crying loudly.

"I want my mommy! Where's my mommy?!" The little boy cried out.

"You don't see her in the crowd?" The female paramedic asked.

"No...*sob* She told me to go and she was right behind me...*sob* I want my mommy!" The boy cried out.

"Don't worry shes fine. I'm sure that she is just at one of the other vans. Can you tell me your name?" The paramedic asked the boy.

Superboy didn't stick around to hear the rest of the kids story as he looked up to a third story window before running into the burning building.

"Hey kid wait! Don't go in-!" A firefighter shouted trying to stop him as superboy ignored the firefighter and went in anyways. The firefighter cursed as he went back to trying to fight the flames.

We couldn't see Connor as he went into the building, the simulation was as real as it could be without actually causing damage to anything. It took 3 minutes before Connor came out holding two people and carrying one more on his back. He dropped them off and went back in, ignoring the questions that different people were asking. The questions were general at first but started becoming more specific after each subsequent drop off of injured civilians. The questions were going after Connor's connection to super man and his family ties he has. None of which are true but seem to make Connor more upset as he goes.

He brought out the last group, which had the boy's mother, before yelling at the reporter who asked a question. The reporter immediately started asking worse questions and started putting a negative news report on super boy and the entire justice league. Connor looked furious and approached the reporter when everything froze and then disappeared.

"Super boy. Can you explain what just happened?" Red tornado asked.

"What just happened?!? You saw her making suggestion of me being a disgraceful son to Superman! She doesn't have the right to even-" super boy was saying before Red Tornado cut him off.

"You are right she shouldn't have said that. Although super boy. What does the world know about you? Most civilians will believe that you are Superman's son. Regardless of whether or not you are is not the problem here. You need to control your temper. You can't lash out on people."

There was silence as super boy clenched his fists before breathing in deeply and relaxing his entire body.

"You did rescue fifteen endangered civilians though. That was all of them in the building. You did great on that part. Next up is Kaldur." Red Tornado said. He hit a few buttons and the system changed completely.

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