Phil's got wood

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*Phil's P.O.V.*

I held up a part of the wardrobe and Dan laughed. "Ha, Phil's got wood!"

"I am Wood Man," I smiled, trying to focus on my original idea to amuse the fans, and not the fact that he had commented on my 'wood'. I knew he was talking about the wardrobe, but my mind was creating a scenario where he was talking about something else. For the rest of the video filming, I kept my nether regions out of view of the camera, and Dan. If any of the fans had seen, they would never have shut up about all their 'Phan' nonsense. Dan said it was nonsense, anyway. If Dan had seen what his words had done to me, I would never have got over the shame.

Finally, we finished the wardrobe. I stopped filming and smiled at Dan, most of my body turned away from him. "I'll just go and get some more food from Morrison's," he said, taking his coat off its hook. "I won't be long."

"Ok. Oh, make sure to get some more cereal, won't you?"

"You've been eating my cereal again."

I laughed nervously. "Yeah." He smirked and went out. I ran into my bedroom and began massaging myself through my jeans. "D-Dan," I moaned, trying to relieve the tension in my pants. I panted softly, escalating to a shout. "Dan!"


Shit, I thought.

Phil's got wood (Phan smut [Irregular and slow updates {please don't kill me |woah this is loads of brackets|}])Where stories live. Discover now