Only way now is downhill!

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Ellie: here we are, let's go in!

Henry: okay..........................

Henry then proceeds to call Phil.

Phil: okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes, the same time the top-hats and gov. get to you.

Henry: I'll think of a cure for Ellie.

Phil: got it. See ya in a bit.

Henry: okay, bye!

Henry hangs up on his end, only to find Ellie right behind him!

Ellie: why did you call him?

Henry: who?

Ellie: you know who i meant...

Henry: :/ okay, fine. you caught me phoning Phil and the others.

Ellie: I'm cutting out the power.

Henry: you wouldn't dar-

Ellie then disappears, only for the power to go out!

Henry: uh oh...

Ellie.exe: its just you and me now Henry...(=

Ellie.exe originWhere stories live. Discover now