Ellie.exe is now being tested.

14 0 0

Ellie's POV

Ellie.exe: Ugh... my head...

Where am i..?

Henry: you are at the Toppat Space Station of Testing.

Ellie.exe: let me out please????

Right hand man: Not until we see what caused this virus.


Aidan: uh no and I'm drawing .exe blood from you, so sleep tight!

Ellie.exe: WAIT WHAT TELL ME WHAT ARE- (falls asleep)

Phil: what is that?

Aidan: infected blood.

Henry: wait... that blood is the same color as the coin of blood!

Aidan: that is aka a .exe coin. any human that touches it will turn.

Henry: can I see her?

Aidan: F*** it the container is made of glass.

Henry: ;-; ... I meant investigate her.

Aidan: like... look for clues...?

Henry: yes, you dingus.

Aidan: bitch I've heard and been through worse (shows last adventure on The Runaway Train).


GrayStillPlays: JESUS!


Gray: I just stopped by to say hi to my fav. friend!

Aidan: well we can't let anyone else know about this, so... you can't leave.

Or use your phone.

Gray: I also wanted to Collab-

Aidan: on second thought... you can use your phone.

Gray: lets Collaborate!

Aidan: Yeah!

Aidan and Gray collaborate on the work that Aidan has been doing and recent discoveries, including the blood coin and Ellie.exe.

Aidan: Wait the test results came in...

Whatever you do Gray, Don't stop rolling.

Gray: got it.

Aidan: she's- 75% Infected...?

Henry: wait! the injector!

Aidan: i had all of the world's cures even to .exe virus!

Henry: Wait try injecting more!

Aidan: Locus, Right hand, and Phil. Go down to the launch bay, and call Evan...

And tell him to bring that injector.

The boys: got it.

Aidan: also, we'll use this coin and try to reverse the effects.

Locus: wait... we need all of the liquid, so we have to extract all of the cure.

Aidan: got it.

But leave a dot of it in there. when a dot went in her, my power detector shut off.

Her powers shut off if any amount of .exe cure enters her body.

Also, Myla.exe's 01Vizion coin infected her.

Phil: Oh yeah! I remember!

*remembers seeing mark on Ellie*

She has a weird mark...

Aidan: also, Locus, you're back!

Locus: uh... Evan has been kidnapped by Ellie...

Aidan turns around, and finds Ellie has Evan!

Aidan: Ellie. Give. 

Gray: *hides behind table and reloads gun*

Aidan: Me.

*Henry does the same thing*

Aidan: Back.

*Evan puts on noise-cancelling headphones*

Aidan: MY.

*everyone else does both things*

(Also Once you hear his shout, you become immune to it)

Aidan: BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Glass breaks, Knocking her out*

 With Ellie knocked out, this leaves Evan free.

Aidan: EVAN!!


Henry and Gray and the others all dash towards Ellie, and lock her to the ground.

Henry: I knew she would do this.

Aidan: wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...?

Phil: She kidnapped you during our last adventure, remember?

Aidan: ohhh yeah...

Ellie.exe: *tries breaking out*

Also, Ellie?

Ellie.exe: yes..?

Aidan: that is pure Daimondius, the hardest substance only my type 025 lava can get through.

*shows her a video of Aidan escaping the Daimondius by summoning his type 025 lava upside down on his chains*

Ellie.exe impressive!

Aidan: thanks, now, if you tell us where Myla.exe is, we won't cure you and we'll send you back to earth if you kill her yourself.

Ellie.exe originWhere stories live. Discover now