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Ivy had drifted off to sleep in Liam's arms while Liam laid there feeling his arm go more and more numb by the minute. He didn't care though. All he cared about was that Ivy was comfortable. 

*knock knock*

 "Come in" said Liam trying not to wake Ivy. He looked to the door to see his dad's head popping around it. 

"She's asleep already?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, busy day I guess" replied Liam.

"Ok well dinner is ready so if you don't want to wake her then you should come eat at least"

"Yeah I'll be out soon"

"Ok" said Steve as he left the room. Liam slowly started to remove his arm from under Ivy's neck. He got it out with Ivy only moving to find a better position but still sleeping. Then we made his way out to the kitchen.

After Steve and Liam had finished eating they watched TV and sat in comfortable silence until Liam's dad spoke up. 

"So Malachi's plane is supposed to get in at 6:30 tomorrow morning, I was thinking that we should leave at quarter to 6?"

"Yeah sounds good, I better go to bed then" Liam said while starting to get up.

"Not so fast" his father stopped him just as he was about to walk out the door. Liam dropped his head then turned around to look at his dad.

"You are going to sleep in your own bed" Liam opened his mouth to protest but Steve stopped him

"I know what you're thinking but the answer is no, I don't care if she is asleep or any of the other excuses I'm sure you were just about to give me, you will sleep in your own room, and i will check"

"Fine" Liam said in defeat then went to his room after saying goodnight to his father.

Liam stopped by Ivy's room to make sure she was okay and once he knew that she was he went to bed.

Ivy got woken up by two hands gently shaking her awake. She felt the hands on her shoulders before she opened her eye which caused her to gasp and flinch as she woke up in fear of who those hands could be attached to. Panicked, Ivy opened her eyes as the hands quickly came off her. She looked up and could see a worried figure which she couldn't quite make out as her vision was still blurry. Once her eye sight cleared up she realised that it was Liam. Ivy sighed in relief and looked down, still trying to catch her breath. She looked up to meet the concerned eyes of Liam.

"Sorry you startled me" said Ivy trying to relieve suspicion but it didn't work.

"Yeah I can see that. Ivy, I know that we didn't get to talk much about why you were crying last night but, now that you woke up like that, I think we should" Ivy averted her eyes from Liam's as he spoke, disappointed that her attempts to drop the subject didn't work.

The two sat in silence for a while as Ivy was thinking of what to say and if she should tell Liam the truth or not. She finally decided to not tell him the truth in the fear of him abandoning her. 

"Last night... I, I found out that an actor I really like had passed and I was upset about that, then this morning I, you just, scared me that's all. I'm not used to being woken up by a person, just an alarm clock, so really, there is nothing to talk about" Ivy knew that he could tell it was a lie, hell, anyone could tell that its a lie but she went on with it because him being suspicious was much better then him actually knowing what was going on.

"Okay..." Liam let out a sigh caused by slight frustration that Ivy did not trust him enough to tell him the truth. 

"Anyway it's 5:30, we're leaving in 15 to pick your brother up, you want to come right?" Ivy could tell that he was trying to lighten the mood because she was refusing to open up, it worked though and she loved him for it. He could always make even the worst moments feel like the best. 

"Of course I'm coming!" Ivy said laughing along with Liam. They both got up and Liam went to his room to get dressed and Ivy grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to change.

Ivy started to take her clothes off and as she did she saw what she had done the day before. She was upset that she had already broken her promise to herself, that she would stay clean. Ivy was so mad at herself. She wanted to let off some steam, usually she would cut but that was the very reason she was angry in the first place. All the anger and hate for herself built up until she snapped and punched the brick wall as hard as she could. 

Ivy had punched the wall so hard that her knuckles were bleeding instantly and she could already feel bruising starting to come through. The pain would have been unbearable for anyone else but Ivy enjoyed it. She knew that it was sick and wrong but she did. So she just sat there watching the blood slowly but surely make its way down her hand and into the sink she was standing over. 

Eventually she snapped back into reality and cleaned her hand and finished getting ready. Ivy realised that her hand looked like someone had bashed it with a hammer so she couldn't go out with it out in the open like it was. Luckily she had packed gloves. 'Perfect' she thought. Ivy put the gloves on her hands and went out into the living room to be greeted with a huge smile from Liam. She walked over to him and before she knew it she was engulfed into hug. Liam pulled back to look in Ivy's eyes with his arms still protectively wrapped around her. 

"Ready?" he asked

"Yup" said Ivy popping the P sound and leaning in for a kiss. Liam happily obliged and kissed her back. They ended the kiss much too early for each of their liking and went to the car where Steve was already waiting. 

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