CHAPTER 1 - Scene #1

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Day 0 in Nai'iari space; 14:30

Crossing some sort of gigantic beehive in relative safety and without having to bother for resources for the next one and a half year if we follow the allowed route and accept the rules of the incorporeal Wise and the insectoid Nai'iari, or, crossing for at least two years a war-torn region inhibited by a species which makes the Hirogen look like tame house pets – the decision should have been an easy one.

If it hadn't been for the 'oath'.

An oath which was required to allow Voyager to enter the energy barrier surrounding a huge territory; a barrier created by the non-corporeal Wise to protect the space's inhabitants, the Nai'iari, a highly advanced matriarchal and empathic insectoid society, with whom they are living in a symbiosis.

The oath changed the decision from 'easy' to 'necessary'.

Well, to be precise, one special aspect of the oath. After a few days of negotiations and screening through every detail of the contract, one question remains open. It appears as if my face is still unsure whether paling or blushing is the adequate reaction to the ambassador's explanations and sets for both alternatingly, while Chakotay has simply paled.

Worst of all is my crew's apparent willingness to unquestioningly accept my choice to not enter the Nai'iari space; a choice which could cost all our lives. No one is going to force Chakotay or me into this.

The ambassador's opalescent compound eyes watch me patiently, and although it is difficult to assess emotions of an insectoid species, I have the impression that being as empathic as the Nai'iari are, she feels sympathetic to us.

"We are aware, Captain, Commander," her voice is accompanied with the Nai'iari's characteristic clicking sound, "that most humanoid species usually prefer to perform this in privacy, but I assure you that you won't be aware of the Wise's presence. They are non-corporal beings. And you must understand that the Wise choose carefully how to proceed with alien and especially non-insectoids who want to travel our territory. There is no offence meant. The collective needs to recognise you as 'non-intruders' or you would be attacked, particularly in the breeding and larvae habitats your route will lead you through. I'm afraid that breeding Nai'iari and especially the juvenile nymphs are very aggressive."

"There is no need to apologize, Ambassador," I say, trying to force my voice to remain calm.

The atmosphere in the briefing room is still numb, only Tuvok seems to have regained his composure again. "Ambassador, you pointed out that this 'oath' is only required from the leader of the vessel. Therefore I consider Commander Chakotay's presence in this ... case as illogical."

The Nai'iari's antennae point in his direction and it takes a bit before she answers. "On the contrary, Commander Tuvok. Voyager had two swarms and two captains in the beginning of its journey. For the greater good, one captain has stepped back, and one has taken the responsibility so that the two swarms had the chance to become one. Both sacrifices have to be acknowledged. Therefore both are required."

"This ... oath." Resisting the temptation to clear my throat, I take a deep breath. "We have other ways to provide the Commander's and mine DNA as marker for the Nai'iari-collective. Doctor?"

Thankfully the EMH jumps into action and finally having the time to cast a side-glance towards Chakotay our looks briefly meet, his eyes mirroring my own discomfort.

With shivering wings the ambassador sighs audible. "No Doctor. You don't understand. It is not about the DNA itself. It is about the empathic pattern each individual reveals when it reaches the maximum peak of pheromones during sexual stimulation procedures-"

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