Chapter 4

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I woke up to see 5 messages on my phone. The first 4 were from jay

1)      Morning Gorgeous! Sleep well?

2)      That kiss was bloody amazing by the way!

3)      When are you going to wake up little miss lazy?

4)      Right well I’ve got to head to the Studio so give me a call later yeah? Arrange that date?

Unfortunately the ridiculous smile was wiped off my face when I saw the 5th text was from Olly,

‘You cow! The nurse came in this morning and said she’d seen you leave with a gorgeous curly haired guy! You’re a slag! This is not over…

I burst into tears and slid onto the floor just as Jamie came in to ask if I was ok after last night.

‘Oh my god! What’s happened? Are you ok? What happened last night? What’s going on?

I spilled everything to Jamie and was grateful that he just sat and listened.

‘Oh’   he sighed when I finally finished talking. “Right here’s what we’re going to do, first of all you are going to delete Olly’s number and make sure you don’t answer anything he sends you. Secondly you are going to call Jay, he sounds lovely, and plus I’m desperate to meet the Wanted!  (I gave a little smack for that)

“Alright Mum” I joked, “Also I’ve decided after yesterday that I need time to myself and to work on me so I’m pulling out of the X factor.


“I agree” said Jamie “Now go and shower ‘cos no offence babe but you stink. Then get dressed and call Jay. I’ll make breakfast.


After I’d showered I put on some light blue jeans and a floaty top (didn’t want to be too overdressed! If Jay was free I didn’t want to look desperate! I walked into the kitchen and saw Jamie had made me a fruit salad with yoghurt and left an orange juice on the side with a note that said. ‘Call him, see you later gorgeous!’


I sat down at the counter with my breakfast and just as I picked up my phone I saw an incoming call from Jay… I had butterflies just thinking about answering!


“hey gorgeous” Jay said down the phone “how are you?”

“I’m good thanks” I managed to say back

“Good” he replied “now… I’m on a lunch break from the studio so want to meet for something to eat?”

“Sure thing I said. Oh god did I just say sure thing. Someone kill me

Babe?? Are you listening? I said how about Pizza Express for lunch?” Jay said drawing me away from my thoughts.

“Yeh that sounds great” I replied snapping out of my day dream.

“Ok great I’ll meet you there in what..half an hour? Oooh sorry babe Nath is calling me, half an hour ok?!” Before I could answer he hung up.

Oh My God Oh My God Oh My God am I seriously going on a date with Jay from the Wanted…..!!!

2 Hours Later


“I am so so full” Laughed Jay leaning back in his seat. God I could look at those green eyes for hours, he was so gorgeous. I didn’t even compete with him.

“Earth to Amelia” Jay said “God you’re in a daydreaming mood today!! By the way, did I mention how gorgeous you look at today” he said blushing tomato red as he said this.

“Oh um wow thank you” I blushed back. Did he seriously just call me beautiful? Oh God the tension in here was incredible.

“Wow” Jay smirked “Is it me or did it just get really hot in here? Look Amelia I am already crazy about you I was since the moment I saw you. I would perfectly understand if you said no, but please don’t! ahahah” he laughed…that laugh was enough to make me want to dive across the table and kiss him, he coughed and carried on… “Will you be my girlfriend” I so nearly spat my water across the table I was so shocked.

eerrmm….I…errrm” Oh god what a stuttering idiot, in the spur of the moment, to stop the mess that I was quickly becoming, I leant across the table and kissed him.

“I sincerely hope I can take that as yes” He smiled pulling away from the kiss. I just laughed and nodded.

You definitely can”

“I just hope you realise I literally come as part of a package” He laughed “you have to meet the boys”. He stood up and grabbed my hand.

“Where are we going?” I asked

“To the studio to see my partners in crime baby” He winked and pulled me out of the shop swinging his arm around my shoulders. “5 for the price of 1” he said kissing the top of my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2012 ⏰

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