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After the students of 1-A graduated the LOV went underground, no one saw any of their members for 6 years. Villain attacks were on the low for those 6 years. Heroes were almost not needed and people were happy. Until the night of February 16th.

"Katsuki, you need to sleep." Eijiro whispered from his seat on the left side of the white hospital bed.

Katsuki was laying in the hospital bed with a baby girl, swaddled in a yellow blanket, laying in his arms. "So do you, Ei, but I don't see you sleeping."

Eijiro chuckled quietly, so he wouldn't wake up his 3 year old son that lay in his lap. "Maybe, but I'm only awake to make sure you two are safe."

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Eijiro, villains are almost non-existent now. We're gonna be fine."

"You never know, it could happen."

"It won't." Katsuki insisted.

"Okay, but I'm staying awake until you're asleep."

Katsuki scoffed before giving Eijiro a small smile then shutting his eyes. "You better go to sleep."

"I will."

With that Katsuki drifted off to a peaceful sleep closely followed by Eijiro.

The two slept soundly, both children also snoozing away.

The room was silent, with the occasional snore coming from Eijiro, until the door opened.

The hinges creaked when the door slowly slid open. A woman, who looked like a nurse, walked in quietly as not to wake the sleeping patient and company.

Her flats quietly clacked on the white tiled floor, her blonde hair swayed from side to side with each step.

She stopped on the right side of the hospital bed, carefully looking down at the sleeping baby that lay next to her sleeping father. The woman softly caressed the side of the baby's face before lifting her out of the sleeping man's hold.

As soon as she held the sleeping baby in her arms, the 3 year old boy stirred awake.

Shi, the 3 year old child, was very aware and intelligent for his age. So, seeing his newborn sister being lifted out of his father's arms by a complete stranger, set off a few alarms in his brain.

His first instinct was to wake up his dads', which is exactly what he did.

"Daddy!!!" Shi yelled continuously, shaking Eijiro simultaneously.

The woman was slightly caught off guard by the action.

Eijiro groggily sat up, rubbing the sleep from his tired eyes. "What's up, bud?"

"The lady!" Shi frantically said, pointing to the woman in nurses clothing.

"Hm? That's just a nurse Shi, she's just taking care of your little sister. That's all." Eijiro had a smile on his face while lightly ruffling Shi's spiky black hair.

"Are you sure?" Shi asked with an uncertain tone. He trusted his dad, of course he did, but the blonde lady was a different matter. The blonde nurse simply gave off a weird aura, one that Shi did not like.

"Yes, I am. Why don't you just ask her yourself?" Eijiro yawned as he went to lay back down on the tiny sofa, that he most definitely did not fit on.

Before Shi could ask his question, the blonde woman tore off the blue mask she had adorned over her lips and nose. She breathed in through her nose quickly and then out through her mouth, a crazed smile falling over her pink lips.

"Guys!" The woman yelled.

3 men came into view, one slipping from the shadows and the others walking casually through the open door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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