Chapter 19

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Foxy pinned me down on the bed as I blushed. "This is the first time we've had sex as humans."I said smiling. "I don't that but we'll see how it goes."he said smirking.

20 minutes later

"Fuck , FUCK!!!"he shouted in pain. "Me sorry is me hurtin' ye?"he asked kindly. "Um, too roughhh....."he replied whining. Foxy went slower and soon Foxy had Bonnie whining even more. "What's wrong?"he asked. "That-that's my-m-my sweet spot!"he shouted. "Really , well let me dig a little deeper mate."he said smirking. "Foxy no , Foxy! N-noooo."he said as he went deeper. "Ahhhhhh."Bonnie said as he sqwirmed. "Feels nice dont it."he said smiling like a pervert. "I-I-I hate youuuu...."he said huffing. "I love you too."he said and started kissing him. The door opened and they quickly pushed away. It was Freddy. "Oh.....sorry guys didn't mean to intrude...."he said. "Oh no you're okay matey , we were done anyway."Foxy replied. "So what's up?"Bonnie asked. "We have another problem."he said. "What is it?"asked Bonnie. "Shepy remembers....

everything Foxy did....." he said sadly. "Wait wait , so the boy possesing Foxy , took over Shepy?"Bonnie asked again. "Yes , and he remembers the bite so we might need to keep an eye out for him."he said softly. "AHHHHHHHHH."Chica screamed. "CHICA!" Freddy screamed running for the kitchen. Someone broke in. "Hi."said the pink haired girl. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my friend's house. "I'm Mangle , don't bother telling me your names."she replied. "What are you doing here."Freddy asked once more. "I am here to inform Foxy of something."she said smiling. "What is it?"Freddy eyed her suspisiosly. "It's about.....the bite."she said smiling evily. Shepy turned to face her when he heard the words "The Bite." "What did you say?"he asked getting agrevated. "Uh oh , I seem to have struck a nerve , I said the bite."she replied chuckling. Shepy started breathing heavily and and his pupils turned white and a shadowy like figure with teeth and eyes appered on his side. He growled. "Oh no , I'm scared what are you gonna do huff and puff and blow my house down , you're not human , you're an animal."she said. "Shut up."he said getting angrier. "You're nothing to anyone here , you're just a pawn!"she shouted. "Shut....up..."he said as his voice began to lower. "No one cares about you , and never will , they only want to use you!"she yelled. "I....said....."he said once more. "What did you say Big Bad Wolf?!"she shouted. "I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP!!!"he screamed loudly. The wood on the floors began to peel off of the foundatin , cups and other dishes on the table wobbled and fell on to the floor , the fridge fell as well as boxes on top of it and glass on windows shatered letting the brisk winter air invade the house. His ears were bleeding as well as Mangle's , Chica's and Freddy's. Bonnie and Foxy ran out to see what was going on. Shepy fell on the floor tired but the soul of the child left and looked at Mangle with a menacing look. "You just made a big mistake."it remarked. The shadow went after her but Mangle came back with a knife and swung at it.It just laughed. "You FOOL , I am a shadow I can't be killed!"it laughed hysterically. Mangle got up and ran out of the house.

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