i figured you might wanna see more of sou and shin

581 31 18


4:09  AM

September 2

Shin Tsukimi - Sou Hiyori


hey bitch

what do you want, beanie man?

how do i get people to like me




like "oh that's a decent human, i like them"

i wouldn't know LMFAOOOO

sou i'm serious

nobody likes me

stupid bitch, i like you

you don't count because we have known each other for a while

oh alright


hic, hic

sniff sniff

omg shut up i'm trying to ranttttt

okay you count


anyway, people like people with humor

i have humor? i think

then why does miss sara never want me to hang out with her

because you're an ass to her

you've talked shit about joe to her


okay i see the problem

how do i like undo that



stfu you need to if you want people to like you

i'd literally rather not have anyone like me than apologdhsh




i can't even type it

well then my stupid ass friend, we won't be making progress here

fine by me

i'm gonna hack into sara and her friend's groupchat now

that's why she doesn't like you

i knoooow

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