Chapter 1

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I wish I could stay suspended in time, in one place and in one part of time forever and what I've found in my past 25 years of life is that you cant wait for time to stop for you, because it won't.
I've found that happiness will never last forever, but neither will sadness or doubt.

"I got the job mom, the one I've dreamed of forever and I wish you were here right now because...your little girl made it mom she did it." I speak into the small flip phone waiting for a response that will never come.

It's been 2 months since her death, I knew it was coming I just wanted to avoid the fact for as long as possible. I've spent the last 2 months working on getting this job and shutting everything else out, and I know that but I dont think it will ever render correctly in my mind.

I press the red button on the phone to hang up, I stand up swiftly and put my head in my hands, I let out a small sigh. But this is only the beginning of what i have to do with out her, I'll have to walk down the isle knowing shes not in the audience, I'll have to give birth and her hand won't be in mine, my kids will grow up without their grandmother.

I slowly lift my head out of my hands, letting a shakey breath escape my mouth.

3 more days until I start my job at the BAU.

"Hello, I'm new here I'm Be- Rebecca Kratz, um do you know where agent Hotchner is?" I stick my hand out to the beautiful blond in front of me.

"Um hi! I'm Jennifer or JJ, uh Hotch is up there 2nd door to your right" she gives me a soft smile and points up at the second floor. I give her a soft nod and shuffle my small legs up the stairs.

When I reach the tall mahogany door I can feel my face warm up and my legs begin to shake, stay calm Becca stay calm, I repeat in my mind.

I tap my small pale hand on the door waiting for a response.

"Come in!" I here a deep Male voice state.
I slowly open the door and stand in front of him.

"Oh," he closes the file he has open in front of him and stands up swiftly putting his hand out in front of me.
"you must be... rebecca, rebecca kratz?" he asks me, I nod

"Yes sir, it's a pleasure to meet you I'm looking forward to working with you." I state.

"Please call me Hotch, or agent hotch. Also I would like you to go downstairs and introduce yourself to the rest of the BAU, they still dont know I hired you..." He mumbles sitting back into his chair.

I clear my throat before speaking again, "okay thank you agent hotchner." I say quickly before shuffling out of the small office.

My heart is racing 2000 miles a minute as I approach the cliquey group of people gathered around a desk, I hear some of there conversation before talking to them
"So he hired someone without consulting any of us?" A dark haired girl asked, JJ, the girl I noticed earlier just nods.

I approach the group and stick my hand out to the dark haired girl,
"Hi, um I'm Rebecca kratz I think I will be working with you guys" I say.
She shakes my hand,

"Hello I'm Emily Prentice," she pulls her hand away quickly.

"Hi I'm Derek Morgan, nice to meet you" He gives me a firm shake.

The third guy doesnt give me a handshake instead he gives me a small wave, "I'm Doctor Spencer Reid." He stated breaking eye contact almost immediately, then looking down at his feet.

"Nice to meet you" I nod.

"I'm Penelope Garcia, super nice to meet you" The blond with the sparkly pink shoes shakes my hand.

"And I'm JJ but we've already met... um I'm sorry we weren't notified of your arrival today, um we will be right back we would love to get to know you but we have to go speak with Hotch real quick." She explains

"Yes of course, I'm sorry I didnt know that he didnt notify you." I state

"Please dont apologize it's not your fault Emily butts in.

I nod acknowledging her kindness toward me, I watch as they get up and start to walk up to Hotchners office.

I wait about 20 minutes, getting things out and placing them on my desk that is placed next to Dr. Spencer Reids desk, which one thing is on my mind... doctor? He looks about my age, I'm quite young to get into the BAU. how the hell is he a doctor? I guess I'll have to ask him later.

I watch as they all come downstairs and sit in there desks. Before Emily sits down she comes over to where I'm sitting and sits on the corner of my desk.

"So Rebecca, We were talking and all of us here at the BAU are very close so we were wondering if you would be okay with going out for drinks tonight?" She asks me.

"Yes of course that sounds like a blast, is everyone going?" I ask.

"Yeah, I mean Reid normally skips out on these kinda things but we are forcing him to go." She tells me

I let out a small laugh. I then hear a voice behind me

"That's not true Emily! I want to go tonight stop making me sound like a nerd" He says spinning his chair to look at emily.

"You are a nerd Mr. 187 IQ" She laughs out, I can feel my jaw drop as I turn my chair to look at him.

"187? your kidding right?" I laugh

"Nope i can also read 20,000 words per minute and i have an eidetic memory, I'm kinda one of those genius kids or something." He laughs out

"That's so cool, so you read chapter books in like 20 minutes or something like that?" I ask him, in complete awe of his brains

"yep." he says spinning back to looking over a file on his desk.

"And that is Doctor Spencer Reid for you" She says letting out a small laugh.

an: hiii!! how do u guys like the first chapter, longer or shorter chapters?

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