Throw the First Stone

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Y/n's Pov

"What the hell do you mean?!!!" I yelled at the phone on my desk. I sat on the edge of my desk chair, getting closer to my desk.

"Ma'am, there have been more accidents reported in the last week. Damage has been done to homes, people have been hurt, and the island is become a less relaxing environment. Not to mention more posters and graffiti have been scattered all around, ruining the beauty of our beloved Island. The war between Alter and Ego is getting bigger."

"This is not something we should tolerate. Please tell the agents to gather into room 325 for a mandatory meeting in 10. I would like you to be there to report the conference." I sat down right in my chair, and leaned back a little. I groaned. These grown ass men are always up to something.

"Of course ma'am. See you in 10." And with that, I hung up. I hated this stupid war. These two teams wanted to take over the island. To turn it into their little kingdom. I wasn't going to let that happen. I did a little more research and grabbed a few documents. I placed them into a folder, and made my way out. I locked my door, and scanned my eye to make sure my room was secured. I made my way up to the third floor, and towards the designated room. I opened the door, and left it open. I stood behind a podium and started to set up for the meeting.

My stomach ached. It pained me to see that people don't give a shit about others. Like, what the hell?! Us people didn't do anything to deserve this. If we don't step in, then who will? If we don't, we can wish our Island goodbye. I came here to save myself from the past. I'm not going to let anyone take what I have left, away from me.

Soon enough, my agents started to pile in. This room was a small auditorium. The most active agents were seated up front, and so on. As soon as the door closed, I knew everyone was here.

"Good morning Agents. I would like to inform you of the situation that is currently in progress. We are all familiar with Alter and Ego. They have been having more battles. We are all aware that this island needs more leadership, but not in this way. We can't just let these two fight it out, to see who can control us." I walked over to a projector and placed a few images underneath it. Behind me was a large screen, which showed the images. I looked at them in disgust. There were 3 images in total. Posters, graffitti and a few of our agents who were turned into henchmen. They were on the ground, resting in peace. It saddened me to see how power csn be intoxicating. "They want to use us. They want us to join them, to fight their battle for them. In my opinion, we are strong enough to replace both of them. We need leaders with another perspective. We can be the saviors of this island. We will find a way to downgrade these children. I already have a plan worked out. Later on in the day I will send out tasks and missions for all of you. You must often check your comunication devices. I'm still not sure how long this process will take. An estimation of 1-2 months is most probable. I need you all to be most alert and on your feet. I will need group A to attend a post meeting soon. Before anything, are there any questions or concerns?"

"I have one. A concern. Once we overtake both sides, what's going to happen? Who's going to be the head of the island?" My most beloved agent, Drift, asked.

"We will host an all resident meeting. The people and us will decide what will come next for the island. We will choose the best person for the position." I answered.

Another one spoke up. I glanced over to Fate, one of my most rather skilled agent. "Are you going to be one of the candidates available for the position? I'm not sure if I'm speaking for most people, but you're rather perfect for the position. You have so mamy qualities that we admire. You're always putting others ahead of you. You're always proving your worth. I am willing to follow you through anything." Everyone started agreeing and cheering.

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