Midas' Pov
"Okay! There you guys go! Back together. I hope you found our bonding time fun." Drift smiled. "I will be on my way."
"Wait! What about Y/n? Is she okay?!" Skye asked. "What's the deal with the spaceship?"
"That is confidential. You are not allowed to recieve any information Until Y/n approves of it. Which also brings me to another topic. If any of our agents catch you at the crime scene, you'll be facing serious consequences. An escort will arrive shortly. Enjoy the rest of your evening." With that, he jogged away and out of sight.
"That was certainly something.." I muttered.
"What now boss?" Brutus asked.
"Hmm." I thought about it. "We'll wait for our escort. Then, I'll conduct a meeting. I have something big planned." I said as I scanned around the building. There were many security devices, which were well hidden. One caught my eye, which was on that was in a tall plant stalk. I quickly looked away.
"I can't believe this is actually the place!! Y/n works here!" Tina beamed as she looked around. "I think I can smell her scent on the walls."
"Good evening. You must be the team I am escorting. I am your escort, please follow me." It was a female with long brown hair, down to her waist. She had silver rimmed glasses, as well with black dress pants and a black uniform shirt.
"Aww. I didn't want to go." Skye frowned.
"Appointments can be scheduled any time throught the day. We are open 24/7/365. We appreciate your likings towards this building." She led us through glass doors. "However, on 'special' days we like to offer tours!"
"We'll consider." I replied, simply.
We were outside, and we encountered a Helicolter pad with a different variety of helicopters. She motioned for us to get on. She started the helicopter. I made sure my whole team got on. Once they were, I gave the female a confirmation nod. Soon enough, we were up in the air.
"Where to, sir?" She asked. I glanced down at the car left in the sands.
"Take us to the Ego Agency."
"Of course. Please remain seated at all times. Thank you."
There we were, on our way to the Agency. Oh, did I have big plans. This was going to be great. Many ideas arrived in my mind. I knew as a fact that I had something big planned. And it was going to be amazing.
Y/n's Pov
"My parents are gods. We call ourselves the Krisev people. The mother ship that has landed here, has been sent in search for me. They have been for centuries, searching for the runaway princess. I ran away from my planet; my parents are abusive with power, and forced me to do many things that I didn't agree with. I regret leaving my people, but I had to save myself first before I could save them. I traveled from universe to universe, solar systems to solar systems, and planet to planets. I traveled throughout many galaxies. I didn't intend to land here on Earth. I accidentally crashed here by mistake. Once I noticed this planet was full of life, I had to stay here. Maybe I could fit in. I thought that this was the planet where I could regain myself. I thought I was far away from anyone I knew. Once I was here, I wanted to know more about human beings. I know that I will not be able to stay here forever. I will soon have to face my parents and save my people. Never did I think it would be this soon." I frowned.
"You're a princess?!" Drift asked. "What??!!!"
"Yes." I nodded.
"Whether you're a princess or not, we will be here for you. You helped us, and now its our turn to help you. Whatever you need us to do, we'll do it. We owe you one." Athliesure smiled.

The rebellion
Fantasía[Midas × Reader] I am Y/n. I am the leader here at the ALLIES. We are an organization nicknamed The Rebellion by the two Teams. We aren't rebellious. We do what's right. Alter and Ego have been fighting over the rights of the Island. I am here to...