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Hello my little llamas,

Its been a long journey since the begining of this book, and if you made it to the end, THANK YOU, sosososososossososo much. Becuase even i cringe at the first couple of chapters, but it got better closer to the end of the story. Not as cheesy and written in greater detail. THanks for bearing with me, thanks for reading, and voting, and commenting. It ll means a lot to me, and i love seeing the numbers go up. 

There is a  second book in the works because I cant leave you guys hanging like that, can i? It's gonna be very exciting and i'll definately try to only put my best out there becuase you guys desrve the best.  Whose excited? I defienately am! Thank you all once again, and lots of love to all of you who read the story, over a thousand readers? Thats crazy. 


P.s. funny story, my family found out i was writing what they think is a novel, and now a buncha people wana read it. right, like thats gonna happen. Wish me luck! <3 

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