An Order Of Haikyuu, Coming Right Up: The Lonely

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Kuroo splashed cold water onto his face sighing as the feeling of refreshment washed over him. He stared up into the mirror analyzing his reflection wincing slightly as he traced his finger along the graze on the side of his cheek. He was twenty-six and still getting into bar fights- seriously? He needed to grow the fuck up. Shakingly slightly he pulled his fingers scraping across his scalp rummaging through his greasy hair. When's the last time I showered? His thoughts seemed to be sarcastic but if he was being honest he didn't even know, He wreaked of alcohol and drugs and that's all that consumed his time lately. Normally his routine consisted of going to work at a run-down office, drinking at a bar, going home with some random stranger for a good fuck then sleeping til he had to work again. Though, he got suspended from work for a week- and no he doesn't want to talk about it, so last night he didn't work and just spent his whole day at a bar getting wasted- so he showered maybe two days ago? Or was it three? He bit his lip knowing full well he won't know for sure when he showered last, after all his days were beginning to blur more as the days went by. Twenty-six and he was still good for nothing, still a fuck-up. He closed his eyes for a mere second letting the pain of his mistakes wash over himself, letting all his anxiety mix into his thoughts falling over ever breath he breathed. Then he opened them and slid his bathroom door open. The living room was still dark, his black curtain hadn't been pulled open for months on end beer bottles sprayed about along with some clothes and cocaine, and marijuana sprinkled on the counter top as if the final touch on a gourmet meal. So he fucking snorted that shit up, all of the left over shit not giving a damn if some green got up his nose and no, he didn't stop there. He piled on some more snow shoving it up his burning nostrils with a dollar bill. Now that he got his high, now that his heart felt like a speed racer he frantically started cleaning as quick as he could he started by collecting the bottles off his coffee table, then the ones on the floor, then he picked up all his clothes and wiped the table off. He vacuumed up his carpet. With his living room clean he had no idea what to do next, so he worked on his kitchen, then his room, then his high was beginning to wear off so he took a shower- if you could call it that. In reality all he did was curl up in a ball as boiling hot water sprinkled onto his back and he sobbed an ugly cry. He threw his angry fists against his head as he remembered as reality slammed him against the ground. He hated being alive, and maybe that's just how life was gonna be from now on without him. Everything was grey, everything was pointless, he hated everything and most of all he hated himself.

When he got out of the shower he was shivering. And when he put on his tennis shoes he was no longer high, and when he opened up the door he no longer felt the urge to die, and when he finally forced himself to walk out from his door frame he felt himself breathing a relieving sigh. He lived in an apartment and that wasn't the worst part of it, he lived in an apartment and right down the hall from his ex. He couldn't tell you exactly how long they've been apart because honestly? He has been high most of the time, or passed out, or he drank until the morning sun was screaming at him to wake up. The man that broke him lay behind those doors. He thought of countless times of walking up to that door and knocking but then again What would I say to the man I once loved? And honestly how could he even think of once loving someone because you never stop loving someone, your love for them just changes- sometimes it changes to hatred, or depression, and sometimes it changes to a feeling of lost, regret, and once it changes your heart feels a more empty as it did before. He felt empty. He felt completely empty so that might be why he was filling it the best he knew how. He broke him yet he was never taught how to live without him. Kuroo's fists pressed before him almost touching his door- subconsciously he believed but did he actually know he was standing before his door about to knock? He didn't though, he retreated back his hand and pushed them into the jeans of his pockets walking backwards and heading to the stairs. Where would he go today? He didn't have any friends not since alcohol consumed his life. He didn't have any family not since he sold his soul to addiction. So where was he walking? He didn't know but he still pushed forward outside his apartment onto the sidewalk past countless of stores until he peered next to him. A cafe? Coffee does sound good, he didn't question his craving further and pushed the clear doors open. There was a bit of a line and not much room for anyone to move, it was small and homey. To the left of him two black leather couches sat across from each other with a coffee table separating them, and behind those closer to the window's was a tall table that looked more like a table top at a bar. To the right of him was a hallway of tables an inch of the ground and under them cushions sprawled about so it was comfortable when you sat on the ground. He pulled out his phone- he didn't know exactly why he even had the thing, work never called him and he didn't have any friends like he said before. But he still clicked it on checking his messages then going to facebook. How long has it been since I've been on this thing? How long has it been since I've even posted? The line moved up and the man behind him mentioned something about moving forwards and so he did without irritation. He decided to put his phone away even though there were still two people in front of him ready to order. He was mentally checked out though so when it was his turn to order he didn't actually know what he wanted but he didn't want the people behind him have to wait any longer so he ordered a black cup of joe, paid for it, then moved over to retrieve his drink before find a seat at one of the ground tables. He sat there blowing slightly on his fresh drink then peering up to look at the world bussing itself before him. That's when his eye caught a billboard next to him. At first he just saw a new kitty foundation looking for people to come cuddle the kittens, then he saw it.

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