For Today's Special We Have Kuroko's Basketball: All I Want Is Nothing More

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Kuroko doesn't like remembering his past. He liked that Kagami doesn't know what had happened after the tournaments, he likes that he doesn't know the memories that haunt him to this day. Kagami doesn't know who Kuroko once was. And what had once been his. He expected his two separate worlds to collide with ease. He expected that once Kagami met all of the Generation of Miracles, that none of them would mention it. Yet nothing went as he expected. Kuroko slumped down in his desk as he peered over watching Kagami play ball with Aomine. His hands were shaking and he couldn't get them to stop he feared Aomine would tell him and it didn't help seeing the tall blue haired boy after all this time away. Kuroko's leg shook vigorously and he tapped his pencil against his desk quickly. His chest felt heavy, it was like fear just sat on him holding him down with elaborated breaths and an elevated heart rate. And worse of all his mind ran laps til the edges of his vision were darkened and everything just simply felt like tv static. If he didn't calm down in the next few minutes he would find himself passed out on the floor- then again where was his inhaler? He needed to breath, he just couldn't breath. He wanted this to be over with, yet he also loved the feeling of feeling again. After the damage done to his heart he often found himself turning off his feelings so he wouldn't have to bear the toll of emotions. He peered back down at the guys playing basketball and his heart sank even further into panic. What if Aomine tells him? He couldn't have Kagami find out he couldn't have anyone find out. He couldn't help but fear the joyful memories plaguing his mind because he hated how happy he was and he hated how he longed for that same happiness again- people just can't know because he wished to just forget that ever happened. He sighed as the memories of how it all began haunted him- they screamed in his head begging him to think of them.

Kuroko had only been playing with these guys for a week. He felt so much like an outsider, he didn't fit in yet Aomine continuously made sure that Kuroko was by his side. After every practice, game, he made sure Kuroko went with them to get popsicles at the local market. Even if Kuroko was against it that day he still went, he couldn't get over the over joyous smile that plastered onto Aomine's lips every time he heard Kuroko reluctantly agree. He'd never admit it but just the thought that someone as great as Aomine wanting to hang out with him made his heart flutter and his breath become hitched. Today though was not a good day. Kuroko's anxiety level was over blown and he couldn't stop shaking. They were in the middle of the market, the new kid Kise had unknowingly brought a lot his stalking fangirl club and they had no patients for spacial awareness. It freaked Kuroko out. The amount of people surrounding him within the market overwhelmed him and it was told very roughly all about his body. He couldn't breath. He needed to be out of there- like now. He didn't need to push in order to make his way towards and out the door. Because while in his reality he felt crowded in actuality there were very few people within the market busying about. He didn't bother to notice that he left two guys back there worrying about wether he was okay or not. And he didn't bother to know that while one guy took action and ran off towards him the other stood back and allowed Aomine to save the day. Of course that guy didn't know that that action of Aomine saving the day would lead to Aomine and Kuroko creating an unbreakable bond, He didn't know that his crush would be swept off his feet- by someone else. But he was too insecure about himself to try and do anything. He felt as if even if he was the one saving the day, that someone as beautiful as Kuroko wouldn't return his feelings. Aomine placed his hand on Kuroko's shoulder, and even with his back turned to him Aomine could still tell something was going on. "Are you okay, Kuroko?" Aomine stepped closer to him to the point where his body heat could wrap around Kuroko comforting him. "I can't breath" Kuroko shouted as he clutched his chest he slowly faced Aomine with tears striding down his face. "Help" He cried softly. Aomine wrapped his arms around Kuroko causing him to quietly coo. He ran his fingers through his light blue hair whispering softly, "I'm right here Kuroko, I'll always be right here".

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