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~Mulder's POV~

"Guys, I've gotta tell you something..." I said.

"What's up?" Langly asked while leaning back and crossing his arms.

"So, I might like this girl... her name is Y/n." I told them.

"You mean Y/n Y/l/n?" Byers asked.

"Yeah..." I said as my face turned pink.

"Oooh Mulder has the hots for Y/n Y/l/n!" Frohike teased, but I didn't care.

"Guys, quit it," I laughed. "Do you think I should ask her out?" I asked them.

But suddenly Langly said: "She's coming! Quick, act natural." I looked behind me and saw her approaching our table.

~Y/n's POV~

I see the table, and when they see me they all scramble into different positions. I chuckle to myself, and keep walking.

"Sup," said one of them who had long blonde hair and glasses.

"Hey... um, Mulder?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He said while turning around to see me.

"Uhh..." I said. I couldn't think properly. All of the words that I wanted to say have left my mind. I was so lost in his eyes, but then I suddenly realized I was staring, and snapped back to reality.

"Uh, sorry. I got distracted for a second," I said. "Would you maybe... want to hang out later?" I nervously asked, my stomach going wild with butterflies.

~Mulder's POV~

"Would you maybe... want to hangout later?" She asked. It felt like my stomach was about to explode with butterflies, but I kept calm.

"Sure." I answered with a calm tone, even though I was feeling quite the opposite of calm.
"See you later I guess," I said.

"Yeah," she replied, and then left.

"Oooooh Mulder's got a date." Langly teased.

"Shut up," I laughed. For the rest of lunch, Y/n was the only thing on my mind. She really is beautiful.

~Y/n's POV~

After he said yes, I went back to my best friend and I told her everything. I was so excited. After lunch was over, I was making my way to another class, and I had to go through a sketchy part of the hallway. I started to walk through, but then I felt someone grab me and drag me into a closet.

The light suddenly flickered on, and I immediately recognized that blond hair and the varsity jacket. It was my enemy: Tanner Shaw.

Tanner was that mean, popular jock heartthrob stereotype. We used to be best friends since we were kids until he changed completely when I had my first boyfriend 5 months ago. I never knew why either. He used to be so sweet, now he's a jerk. It doesn't help that we're neighbors either. My 1st relationship didn't last very long though, we broke up after 2 months.

"Cheating on me already, are you?" He flirted, holding onto my elbows.

"What the heck do you want, Tanner?" I said in an agitated tone.

"What are you doing talking to Spooky Mulder?" He asked.

"None of your business." I said. He chuckled.

"Why do you even like him?" he asked.

"Why do you want to know?!" I retorted angrily. I was tired of his stupid games. I was already late to class, and I knew I was going to get into trouble. I calmed down a little bit.

"Tanner, I have to get to class. Please let me go," I said, trying to get free, but he tightened his grip a little bit.

"Not until you tell me what your plans are with Spooky Mulder."

"Why do you even care?" I asked.

"I don't want him to take you from me," he furrowed his eyebrows a little.

"What do you—?"

"Stay away from Mulder," he said firmly.

Before I could say anything else, he left, and I just sat there staring at the wall of this closet. My mind was filled with a million questions.

I sat there for a good 5 minutes, and then I came to. I suddenly realized that I was super late, and got up to run to class. I got there, and saw that nobody was in there.

"Crap," I whispered to myself. I was probably already late to my next class, so I just went to the bathroom, and sat in there until it was time for my next class. Sitting in there kind of reminded me of that kid from The Never Ending Story. It felt like I was doing the same thing that he did, only slightly different.

~time skip~

At the end of the school day, I see Mulder standing under a tree. I walk over to say hi.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Hey, I didn't see you in chemistry earlier, where were you?" He asked. I suddenly have flashbacks to the closet. I suddenly snap back into reality though.

"Oh, I um... I... uh..." I have no idea how to answer him. I just look down, and try to come up with an answer. I can't just tell him that my ex-best friend actually threatened me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just..." I looked around and saw that Tanner was watching from a distance. He started walking over, and I instantly knew that I had to get Mulder out of there.

"Hey, do you wanna come to my house?" I asked.

"Sure, My parents are out of town anyway," he answered. We start walking, and we get there pretty fast since I don't live very far away.

"Hey, I live right across from you!" He said.

"Really? Cool!" I smiled. I suddenly feel comforted knowing that he lives right across the street. We walk in, and we put our stuff down. "Make yourself comfortable. You go pick out a movie, and I'll make some popcorn," I told him.

~Mulder's POV~

I go to the DVD cabinet to look for a movie. I see all of the Harry Potter movies and a lot of other things. I decide to pick the Prisoner of Azkaban because it's the only one I haven't seen. I saw Y/n come out of the kitchen with a big bowl of popcorn and some candy.

"Whoa, that's a lot of food," I chuckled.

She laughed, "I like to have some variety."

She plopped down on the couch, and patted the spot right next to her to tell me to sit there.

Halfway through the movie, Y/n fell asleep on my shoulder, making the butterflies in my stomach go wild. I didn't realize it, but I slowly drifted off. I woke up and I looked at the clock that hung on the wall: it read 11 PM. I sat there wondering if I should go home, but decided to stay since it's Friday, and I fell back asleep.

Hey! Sorry this one is a little long. Anyways, I'm gonna get onto writing part 3. Hopefully I'll have motivation lol. Thanks for reading!

-nerdy weirdo

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