Full name:Alison Bird Allen
Little innocent child-Cisco
Lightning-super hero name
Little Allen- Harry
Baby girl -Barry
Brat: Nora and IrisAge:14
Birthday-EasterHow her mother died:
Nora west-AllenPs. Nora does not like her sister and when Barry and iris start dating iris begins to hate Ali (Barry finds out in season 5)
Alison is the innocent child of Barry Allen she has Super speed like her father but also the ability to make any thing with her mind
She is already in the 12th grade (smart girl , and by season 4 she graduates College)
====================================================SarahIvy Flower Ramon
My child-Cisco
Little Ramon-Harry
Rose-superhero name
Little rebel child-Barry
Rug rat: RalphAge:15
SarahIvy is the rebel child of Cisco Ramon like like her father she has a love for movies,computers and helps makes her father's toys in team flash
She has the ability to control plants and talk to animals (like Ali she is in 12th grade and graduates college by season 4)Please contact me if you want these characters and plot