Full Name: Annabelle Ghost Tennyson
Belle:Ben Only
Little me:Ghost-freakAge: 5 (she is always 5 years younger than Ben)
Original outfit:
Were she came from:
When Ghost freak was in the watch it messed up the watch DNA and why that was happening Gwen touched the watch after that happened Annabelle came out of the watchFirst appearance: 3 episode (remake the episode)
Powers: All of the aliens in the watch
Shy, emotionless, kind
Scary (not on purpose), emotionalLooks exactly like Ben Only difference is the hair
Annabelle is the "little sister" of Ben Tennyson also the little girl Version of ghost freak she is the helper of the wearer of the Omntrix she likes everything Ben likes but she doesn't like sunlight it won't hurt her she just doesn't like it
Ben is also super protective of herPlease contact me if you want this character and plot