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Look I'm gonna say this now. You don't have to read this part. You can skip it and go straight to the actual story. This is just a bio of the people. This is meant for the people who are just out there clicking and reading.  If you don't know Zombies or Zombies 2 then read this. If you know the movies inside and out as I do just skip this.

(A/N: This is in Addison's POV.)

So before we begin you probably need to know a little about the characters. So I am going to tell you about the main characters but there may be a few that you still don't know in my story.

Addison: I am nice, responsible, reasonable, lost, and a little insecure. I am a cheerleader, but I still don't know if I want to be that preppy cheerleader anymore and join something else instead.

Zed: He is a zombie. He's my boyfriend, he has a few issues. First, he can't accept the fact that people think he is a monster. He's kinda nice. Finally, he's kinda cool to be friends with.

Wyatt: He is a werewolf. He is so cute and I have a crush on him. He was going to be evil to be the Alpha of the pack(lead by Willa) and I stopped him. Otherwise, he is a nice and loyal person.

Willa: The Alpha of the pack who is sassy, rude, and acts like she knows everything and can do whatever she wants. She is also Wyatt's annoying little sister, and never allows him to do anything he wants to do, and she is very controlling over the rest of the pack as well. She can be nice, but only if she likes the person.

Bucky: My cousin who is a scardy-cat, rude, original cheer captain, and has this group called the "Aceys," which is three people who are the best of the best besides him. His little group picks on people, doesn't let me do what I want to do, and even picks on me. They are always calling me "Snowball" because of my hair. It's so annoying.

Wynter: She is a werewolf and part of Willa's pack and has to speak her mind about everything. She even asks Willa if it's "Too much" when she speaks and most of the time it's a yes. There was only one time where Willa said that what she said was perfect for that time.

Bree: Bonzo's girlfriend, my best friend, always speaks zombie around him and is always open to let you vent to her. She is super nice, will always listen, and goes above and beyond for the sake of friendship.

Bonzo: Bree's boyfriend, only speaks zombie(still), and is still a good friend of Zed's and Eliza's(both zombies).

Now we can get into the story because we know most of the people in this story. But first I want to tell you that some fangirls are going to be super happy. I won't tell you why for right now.

Ok so look I have actually had this written for a while but I decided to share it recently. I actually would have had all this up a while ago but I was in the hospital for four days and school kinda got in the way. But I finished so yay.

Also, read the Devils Property series. It is so good. I don't read much but I have read everything that is published for it. Beware it is definitely a mature rating.

Hope you enjoy it. I hope to write part two soon. I'll post it here too. It will be The True Great Alpha Part Two and I hope to write it off of comments from this story. Comment soon.

O out

The True Great Alpha Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now