Chapter 1 Meeting An Old Friend

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I'm feeling pretty cold for some reason and why do i feel like i'm falling i open my eye's and to my surprise I'm really falling at a very fast speed.

Y/N: If my memorie from rebirth 3 is right then ..... !

Uh oh.

Y/N: Ahhhhhhhhhhh I didn't think he tell me about this.

Then again the author did want to make it a Neptunia crossover.

Author: Oh that's just great you broke the fourth wall.

well sorry i wanna be like neptune for plot purposes.

Auuthor: Just stop it Your breaking the fourth wall even more.

Am I gonna have a harem?

Author: Yes.

Where was i oh yeah i'm suppose to be screaming while i fall.

Y/N: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

And while I was falling i see some weird horned wolf about to get a girl. and I was headed staright for the wolf.

Touya POV

"Sigh sometime's I wonder if i'll see him again. he was like a brother."

Touya: So Elize, Lenz did we get all five of the horn wolf'?

Elize: Yeah why do ask touya?

Linze: Wait don't tell me.


Touya: I think you get it now?

Elize: Let's take it down!


Linze: huh 'looks up' uhh Touya who's that falling from the sky.

Touya: huh 'looks up' can it really be him.

Elize: what do you mean him?


Wolf look's up and get's hit from the person falling creating a small crater.

Y/N: Uhhhhhhh man he could have to me about the falling.

I decided to look at what caused the crater

Touya: Y/N is that you?

Y/N Wide eyed: Touya?

Elize: Touya do you him?

Linz: He seem really strange?

Y/N Frown: Really Touya it's been 5 minute's and you haven't told them about me.

Touya: sorry about that I't completely slipped my mind.

Y/N: 'sigh' I'll forgive you but at least inform them about me.

Touya: ok.

Linz: So who is Y/N?

Elize: Why was he falling from the sky Toyua?

I can't believe i forget to tell them who he is.

Touya: Well this right here is Y/N L/N an old friend of mine.

Y/N Plutia voice: It's nice to meet you.

Touya: "snicker's"

Elize; ...

Lenz: ...

Y/N confused: What you aren't gonna introduce yourself's?

Elize: if were doing introduction's then I'm Elize and this is my twin sister Linz.

Linz: Hi.

Y/N smile's: It's nice to meet Linz and Elize.

Elize: so care to explain why you fell out of the sky.

Linz: Sis can't you ask a little more nicely.

Touya: I think i might know why.

Linz and Elize: Really?

Touya: I might be wrong but I think the reason he fell from the sky is because he awoken a power that is very strong but also dangerous.

Elize: Sound's crazy.

Linz: Mmmhmm.

Touya: So what was it that you unlocked?

Y/N: It's simple i'm a CPU.

Elize: What's that mean?

Linz: Im curious as well.

Touya in mind: "I already knew what he means and I'll say he make's a pretty good voice actor."

Y/N: Well enough of that so were you guy's doing thing or what?

Elize well we were about to take down another horned wolf but you fell on it.

Y/N: Oh.

Touya: Well we should probably turn in our quest.

Y/N: So that's what y'all were doing whelp if your headed to the guild the i might as well register so i can help and i also sense a lot of potential in all of you.

Touya: glad to have you back man.

Y/N: Likewise touya well tell me were it is and i'll fly us there.

Linze,Elize and Touya: What do you mean fly us there.

Y/N smile's: Like this and Touya don't freak out.

Touya: What do you me-

Y/N: Access.

Y/N (Purple heart): Like i said I'll fly us there.

Touya: ...

Elize: ...

Linz: ...

Y/N (Purple heart): Uhhh Guy's


Y/N (Purple heart): You guy's ok?


Y/N (Purple heart): Guy's?

Touya: 'Silent')

Linz: How did you turn in to a girl.


Y/N (Purple heart): As i have said I'm a CPU a Console Patrol Unit to be precise.

Touya: 'silent'

Eleize: so how are you gonna fly us there?

Linz: She has a point.

Y/N (Purple heart): I'm gonna carry two of you in my hand's and the other one on my back.

Elize: Well i'm gonna be on his back.

Touya: 'silent'

Linze: I guess it's ok as long as he's careful.

Y/N (Purple heart): Touya are you gonna be ok?

Touya stuttering: I-I-I'll be f-fine.

Y/N (Purple heart): Ummmm ok let's just go and I'll explain about it later.

Elize: That work's for me.

Linz: Well let's get a move on.

Y/N (Purple heart): Alrightg.

And with that the first chapter is done stay tuned for more and check out my other storie's

Next time on Neptunia Fan In Another World With My Smartphone chapter 2 The Guild, Meeting Yae, and a new Allie.

With that said Thank you and please stay safe.

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