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It's a very dark place here It's pitch black but then i see stair's and i started walking up them and I'm a little surprised but then again you would expect me to say what in all name's holy is going on. But i'm not and never will be. And then I met god himself.

 And then I met god himself

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Y/N: Ummm ... Hello?

God: Ahhh we've been expecting you and I know you have question's I'll answer them as best as I can.

Y/N: I only have 2 Question's how did I die? And is this the part where I get judged on deciding whether I going to either heaven or hell?

God Sad: Well to answer the first one I killed you by accident I didn't mean for it to happen.

Y/N: It's alright I forgive you and correct me if I'm wrong but are you fa-miller with a person name Mochizuki Touya by any chance?

God surprised: Yes but may I ask why you want to know?

Y/N: I'm Touya's old friend.

God: Ohhhhh that explain's why he ask if his friend is ok.

Y/N: I guess it's like a brother bounding nice to know he still care's for those in need.

God: 'Chuckle's' That's one way to put and yeah I liked seeing that people.

Y/N: 'Clear's throat' Ok is this the part where you judge me?

God: Hmm no I'm resurrecting you.

Y/N: I confused?

God: Let me explain this a little better I'm gonna give you a second chance too live.

Y/N: Ohhh ok now I understand but uhhh can I ask where I'm gonna be reincarnated?

God: sure I'm gonna reincarnate you where your friend is and while I'm at it are there any other question's?

Y/N: No

God: I must say your taking this rather well i was embracing to get chew out.

Y/N: Well there's no point in me asking that question if i'm dead then that's that.

God: So is there anything you'd like?

Y/N: Huh?

God: anything you'd like in your next life?

Y/N: Hmmmm. if possible can I have the Power of the neptunia Girl's

God: What's That?

Y/N: Here I'll show.

One explanation and a few video's Picture's, and Character Detail personality's.

God: Ok I can do that but I'll give the four main Form's and you'll be able to unlock the other form's as you progress.

Y/N Plutia voice: Hai.

God: ...

Y/N: 'nervious Chuckle's' sorry I have habit of doing that.

God: 'Chuckle's' It's fine and i can tell your gonna have fun with that voicing acting.

Y/N: So is it ok if you let Touya know I'm gonna see him again.

God: Sure I can do that.

Y/N: Thank You.

And then the share crystal appeared right in-front of me.

And then the share crystal appeared right in-front of me

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God: Once you do this there's no going back ok.

Y/N: Ok.

I grabed it and I felt so much power enter my body and now I'm ready

God: Ohh and I'm gonna give you a boost your body so that way you can read, understand their language, Etc,Etc,Etc,Etc.

Y/N: Gotcha

God: Welp off you go and I'll make something for you so we can keep in contact.

Y/N: Thank You and I'm very thankful for this gift.

God:No problem and your welcome.

Y/N: Oh and if you need my help don't hesitate too ask me I'll help however I can.

God: Ok and I won't hesitate too ask.

And so my new life is just about to begin and I'm coming to help


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