✴ 𝐻𝓊𝒽, 𝒸𝓊𝓉𝑒 ✴

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Vic's POV:

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Vic's POV:

I was getting lectured by my mom about being late on the first day while shoving pancakes down my throat. Luckily before she went in cardiac arrest because of ranting as much as she was, she was interrupted by obnoxious banging on the front door. I opened it to reveal Amber. Ugh,  whatever it's better than being berated over the fact that I forgot to set my alarm clock. "Cmon Viccy we gotta get to school, I'm trying to look good here! I mean I obviously always do but the weather is probably ruining my hair as we speak. God, you're always slowing me down. To repay me here you can hold my bag for me." She said giving me this sad face while handing me her bag. I don't even know why I'm friends with her all she does is talk about herself and drag others down. I mean I get that we've been 'besties' since birth or whatever but shes really toxic. "I'm not gonna hold your bag Amber. I'm not a slave for goodness sakes." I responded shoving the bag back in her hands, "Awww Viccy why are you so cranky today?" She was playing with my hair. Well more like pulling with those claws she calls nails. "I'm not cranky Amber just get off me." I pushed her hands out of my face and when to get my bike. "You know what? whatever I tried being the nice person I am but your just too grumpy to deal with!" and she just sped off.


I was finally catching up to her when she ran over a girl, "Hey watch it loser!" and she continued cycling. I went over to help the girl as she was picking up her books, "Hey sorry about her, here let me help you"...

3rd Person POV:

"Hey sorry about her, here let me help you," Vic's breathing stopped the second he handed her the book as he made contact with her e/c eyes. Vic scanned her face and body. Her perfectly toned skin, her gorgeous h/c hair, her beyond beautiful face and her small frame. He stared intently at the stunning girl as she picked up the last of what she had dropped. "Thanks..." she trailed off realizing he was staring at her. She lightly giggled as he fell out of his daze and chuckled out of nervousness, "Sorry I was just thinking about something."   "Mhm. I'm Y-"   "UGHHHH why are you just standing there talking to some random bimbo come on Viccy!" Amber cut her off. "AMBER! You're being really rude." Vic was frustrated because he knew she liked him and always got jealous when he talked to pretty girls. Well in this case, captivatingly beautiful. "It's fine. Thanks anyways, see you around." And with that Y/N left the blonde boy dumbfounded. He quickly changed from his stunned state to an aggravated one, "Amber, what the hell! Poor girl probably thinks we hate her!" 

Vic's POV:

"Well, I for one do. Who does she think she is giggling like a little slut, I mean come on Vic she was practically forcing herself onto you. You should be thanking me for scaring her off. Hahaha she was trembling and stuff it was hilarious!" I felt anger boiling up inside of me but instead of telling Amber off, I stormed past her making sure I bumped into her shoulder. I hopped onto my bike and rushed to school, I was definitely gonna be late if I responded and went off on Amber about how she has no right to say any of those things about her.

Your POV:

That guy was really cute if I'm being honest. The way he would scratch his neck nervously was adorable, and don't even get me started on those baby blues. But I guess he had a girlfriend by the pet name she gave him. Viccy? Hmmm interesting. So I guess I should back off on his appearance. His really, really nice appearance. SHUT UP Y/N! 


I finally got my schedule and locker code from the office and now I'm headed to put my books in my locker and grab what I need for English with a 'Mr. Curtis'. On my way I look across the hall and see ' Amber' and 'Viccy'. I'm not sure if that's his real name or if she's just using it for the hell of it. But then I see some other girl standing next to them. She was really pretty and looked like she would be nice. Maybe that's his girlfriend? I mean, no offense, but Amber seems like too much of a bitch to date someone who seems as nice as this 'Viccy' guy. I saw Amber try and get him away from the other girl. I focused back my attention on the locker situation and as soon as I closed my locker some guy startled me. He looked me up and down and finally after me giving him several confused glances he decided to speak up, "Hey, umm you the new girl? Cuz ya look pretty lost... was I watchu were looking for sweetcheeks?" EW WTF SwEeTcHeEkS   "Hey Kyle get lost!" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to be faced with him. "Thanks blondie, but I didn't need your help. Go back to your girlfriend k?" "haha cute and funny? Amber is most definitely not my girlfriend." oh thank god. "I beg your pardon did I hear you say cute?"  "uuhh..uhm"  "haha it's fine thanks ViCcY" I said Viccy in a high pitched voice which caused him to let out a breathy giggle, "It's actually Vic, and I in fact hate that nickname. I'm single by the way."

Vic's POV: 

Fuck. Why did I do that now I sound desperate. "I'm Y/N, and why did I need to know that?" "Pretty name for a pretty girl" "Oh so you're a charmer huh?" "Viccy come here!" Ugh, Amber. "Well looks like you've got business to attend to hm Victor." Y/N rolled her eyes playfully and smiled. "No wait-" "See you in class pretty boy." she said, taking a quick glance at my schedule. "Y-Yeah see you." And she took off to room E37. Goddamn. I just met this girl and I'm already in love with her every move.

Y/N's POV:

Huh, cute.



I don't know what to write so have a good day or night lol

❁❁Charmer ❁❁ (𝒱𝒾𝒸 𝒟𝑒𝒫𝒽𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓅𝓅𝒾 - 𝒞𝒶𝓈𝓅𝑒𝓇 𝟣𝟫𝟫𝟨)Where stories live. Discover now