✴ 𝒩𝑜, 𝒲𝒽𝒾𝓅𝓈𝓉𝒶𝒻𝒻 ✴

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Kat's POV: 

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Kat's POV: 

After that encounter with Vic and Amber, I walked into my new English class. My parents made me move schools because I used to get bullied. A LOT. I sat at the back of the class next to this other girl. Her face was stuffed in a book but from what I could see she looked nice. I guess she caught me trying to look at her face because she quickly peeled her eyes off the novel she was heavily invested in and smiled at me, "Hey I'm Y/N, I'm new here!" Oh thank heavens I'm not the only one. "Hi Y/N, I'm Kat, I'm also new." She was now completely facing me. Oh my god she's gorgeous. At least she's gonna have everyone ask her out and want to be her friend. "OH YAY! Wanna be friends? I know it seems a little soon since we just met and all but you seem really nice and cool and-" "I'd love to." I cut off her rambling. It was really cute if I'm being honest. She flashed me one more adorable smile before facing the front of the class to listen to what Mr. Curtis had to say.

"Alright, class! Since this is the first day I'm not gonna give you much work. Now I have a few announcements to make. First, the asbestos removal from the gym is taking a little longer than planned, so we're gonna have to push the Halloween dance by just a couple of months." The whole class groaned while Y/N and I gave each other a 'what's the big deal' look. Amber stood up in front of the class and started saying how we could have a party at her boathouse or something while me and Y/N tried to stifle our laughs. Keyword 'tried'. I mean, seriously, a boathouse? Not only is she bitchy but she's also obviously a daddy's girl. "Hey, new girls! What are you laughing about? I didn't make any jokes." I was about to apologize but Y/N was quick to say something. "Yeah no joke other than yourself. I mean I get that you're meant to be the HBIC but some of us would much rather wait a couple months than voluntarily be around you." This sent the whole class into a fit of laughter, including Mr. Curtis. Damn she sure knows how to shut someone up. Amber gave Mr. Curtis a death glare, "Alright that's enough class! Now my second announcement is that we have two new students, Y/N Y/L/N and Harvey Kathleen." Ugh. Y/N grabbed my arm and dragged me to the front of the class with her.

Your POV: 

After I took Kat's arm and brought us to the front I heard Amber mutter "Lesbians." Oh no she didn't. "I'm sorry what was that Amber? Do you have a problem with lesbians? Not that we are but you just seem, oh I don't know, a little homophobic." I was now leaning against her desk when I saw Casper underneath tying her shoelaces together. She just growled at me. "Oh, so you are a bitch! I mean that's what a female dog is, after all, they do bark and growl." The class was hysterically laughing at this point. "Alright, that's enough ladies! Now Kathleen, how about you tell us something about yourself, hm?" "Umm well its Kat-" "Meow" This hoe. I mouthed out 'pussy' to Vic which caused him to smile and attempt to hide it, "and well I guess I just moved here, with my parents, from Santa Fe, and umm Friendship seems like a pretty friendly place." One did something which caused the class to laugh but I was too focused on Vic to notice. 

"Well thank you, Kat. And Y/N? What about you? Where are you living at?" "Outer space?" She can't make a good joke for the life of her. "No, Whipstaff." Well that shut them up. "You seriously live there?" "I mean yeah, sure it seems kinda weird when you look at it but it's actually pretty chill." Amber was about to make another snarky comment when she was interrupted by this kid on the left side of the class, "Mr. Curtis, check this. We're dead for the Halloween dance, right? And the new girl, the hot one on the right, has a seriously, seriously creepy house; with room to spare." "Well, wait a minute wait a minute I thought we were having the party at my place! Alright, then we'll take a vote. Whoever wants the party at my house raise your hand." Nobody raised their hand and let me tell you this SENTTTT me and Kat. Silently though. Not bothered to get in a fight and win with some jealous bitch. "Whipstaff?" "YEAH!" All the kids cheered. I started walking back to my seat with Kat following quickly. 

❁❁Charmer ❁❁ (𝒱𝒾𝒸 𝒟𝑒𝒫𝒽𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓅𝓅𝒾 - 𝒞𝒶𝓈𝓅𝑒𝓇 𝟣𝟫𝟫𝟨)Where stories live. Discover now