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Senator Amidala's ship was, pretty big, well it could fit, a fairly large bedroom for the Senator, (don't ask how I know that) and enough space for everyone else on board.

Sadly, there was not enough room for me and Obi-wan to sleep in separate rooms. But fortunately there would be separate beds.

We had decided to take a safer hyperspace route, so it would be less likely for us to run into trouble, even though we probably would anyway. This meant if nothing went wrong, we should be at Naboo in 48 hours.

However something would definitely go wrong and delay us. And once we got to Naboo, we would be there for a however long. We weren't exactly sure how long we would stay there, because we weren't exactly sure what the Senator was needed for.

There had been a message sent by someone important on Naboo, if I wanted to know who it was I could just ask Obi-wan, but they were unable to explain what was going on, just that they needed her there to resolve conflict.

I bet Obi-wan we would be staying for a week, he just rolled his eyes at my "childish behaviour." Which was fair considering I slept in the same bed with him because of a "nightmare."

The captain of the ship took off into hyperspace. I wished that I could be the one piloting the ship, but that wasn't why I was there.

"Anakin," I sensed the presence of the young politician, "I just finished showing Obi-wan around, would you also like a tour?"

Padmé has decided to act "professional" with me. But it was all just fake, the personality she put on in front of me, the "oh it's so great that you're here". I hated it, and why would she offer to give me a tour? She of all people should know that I knew my way around her ship.

"No thank you Padmé." If she was going to act fake, I would act cold.

"Obi-wan is settling into your room. I'll see you later." She was a bit frustrated by my attitude, I hadn't even looked at her. God I knew it would be awkward with her, with me asking her out, and us having sex before, but I didn't think it would be this awkward.

I watched the pilot for a bit, but I guess after that, I decided I wanted to check on Obi-wan in our room. I could use some time with him.

The bedroom was pretty much as big as our bedrooms in our quarters. It had 2 single beds in two corners, a dresser and nightstands, and a fresher.

Obi-wan sat on the bed, meditating. Typical. I flopped down onto my bed, hoping to catch his attention.

When he took no notice of me, I sighed loudly. He just stayed in the same position, sitting on the bed, breathing slowly.

He was so focused on meditation, on the force. And I was so starved for his attention, I liked seeing him focused, but I wanted him to be focused on me.

I wanted him to focus on me as I pinned him up against the wall, as I kissed him and removed his clothes.

"Anakin your thoughts are too loud for me."

I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of Obi-wan's voice. I was too lost in thought about him, that I forgot he was, existing near me.

He was also implying that he was able to sense what I was thinking. "Sorry, I thought my shields were up." I mumbled, and checked, but they were up? How was Obi-wan able to sense what I was thinking? Could he just feel my emotions, or did he know exactly how I was thinking about him?

"Anakin, I can feel your arousal even when your shields are up." I hoped to the force that he didn't know what I was imagining. "I understand that you're attracted to Padmé, but can you please feel that way elsewhere. I'm trying to meditate."

I walked over to him and grinned playfully, "you think I'm attracted to Padmé?"

"Well, yes. Who else could it be?" He seemed so sure of himself.

I was glad that he didn't know it was him I was thinking of in that strong moment of horniness, but part of me wished he did. Part of me still thought that if he knew, he'd accept it, and my thoughts would turn into a reality. We would be together after every mission, the nights at the temple, during missions. I loved that idea, but it just wouldn't be so. Obi-wan would die before he broke the Jedi code, he'd push me away, our relationship as it was now would be ruined. The reality was I should keep it how it was, because that's the best I would get, it was the logical decision.

I was surprised myself when I leaned in and kissed my former master. I never really had much logic I'm me, I just did what I wanted to do a lot of the times and hoped it would work out.

When he started to kiss me back, I decided that it worked out.

My lips moving against his was the best feeling I had in a while.

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