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And, as the clock strikes 8:30...JoJo, rounds the corner!

Kakyoin felt a smile break across his lips as he leaned against the brick building making sure that he was mostly hidden by the shadow of the early morning sun. The redhead breathed in a deep sigh, as he watched the teenager walk towards the school, this morning ritual made the male late to his own first hour, but it was worth it for the view. The morning sun glittered off of the black-uniform Jotaro wore, highlighting his tall and pronounced features well. His dark hair appeared blue now, the soft curls waving slightly in the autumn breeze.

Backdropped against the bright sun he looked like a dark angel. The redhead's purple gaze dropped to the man's hips watching as they shifted as he took one step in front of the other. It was rather mundane, but to Noriaki, it was gorgeous. Jotaro never seemed to waste any energy every movement powerful and full of life. A cigarette hung from his lips, and he drew in a deep breathe his blue eyes shimmering as they caught the sun as well.

As he exhaled, smoke swirled around his head for a moment before he tossed his cigarette into the grass not even bothering to put it out. Kakyoin smiled softly and he stomped out the cancer stick, for it had landed alongside the others. Perfect clockwork.

A boisterous giggle caught the redhead's attention and he wiped his head around. He frowned deeply, mood souring as a gaggle of girls swarmed Jotaro. The teenager growled a little and he bent down, arranging the thrown cigarettes into a neat little pile. There goes the view. He thought bitterly, as he counted off the nicotine filled sticks. Later, he would collect them. Noriaki chuckled as he heard a familiar phrase leap from JoJo's lips, as he grew annoyed.

"Shut up!" Music to the redhead's ears. "Good grief, you're all so annoying."

The teenager tuned out the rest of the disturbance, as he grabbed his bag and slung it over one shoulder. He stepped out in front of the large group, and headed into school hearing the bell ring above his head. Kakyoin didn't glance backward, though the urge to do so was strong, but he knew that those female onlookers would be blocking JoJo from sight. They were just sheep flocking the shepherd as he brought them grain. Idiots. He scuffed as he headed off down the hallway to his first class, that he had the pleasure of sharing with Jotaro. Only problem was,The dark-haired teen rarely ever showed. When he did, the redhead would make any excuse to sit as close as he dared, so he could observe him from a far. He took his seat quickly knowing that the taller male would sit in the back row, near the window. Most would assume the delinquent sat there because he wanted to slack off, but Kakyoin was more observant. JoJo sat there because he enjoyed the warmth the morning sun gave off.

He would sit there, a ghost of a smile on his barely-tinted pink lips as the sun melted onto his body, somedays Jotaro would even slip off his jacket so he wouldn't get too warm. He would prop his feet up on the desk, close his eyes and tip his hat down. Then, he'd fall asleep. Like a little-black kitten sitting in a windowsill. Noriaki always found the mornings to be the best time to observe Jotaro. For, he wasn't quite awake yet and that meant, not so reserved. A bit vulnerable. Today - wasn't any different. As Kakyoin took his seat, and soon, Jotaro took his as the class began.

Noriaki glanced over towards the taller male, as he scribbled down a few notes listening to the teacher's lecture - sort of. He bit the inside of his lip as he tried to stifle a giggle. Jotaro's hat had fallen off, now sitting upon his chest revealing his content and peaceful face. Being three seats away, the redhead couldn't help the boy himself so, he opted for a different method. Hierophant Green slinked it's way over to the sleeping boy, and carefully set JoJo's hat back on top of his head. Jotaro stirred, jolting upwards as Hierophant slinked back towards its User, unconcerned. No-one was able to see it. Kakyoin didn't notice how the delinquent stared down at the splotches of green slithering through the desks he was able to catch sight of. At first, he thought it was a snake, until he realized they were going somewhere specific and didn't move like a snake at all. His blue eyes trailed the strange vines back a few desks, and he spotted a plume of red hair.

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