the start[chapter one]

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First person

I had woken up from my slumber at my wild house,why is it wild you ask.

Try haveing seven annoying younger siblings and two annoying older siblings...not gonna lie my parents act like rabbits.

I was too lazy at the moment to change out of my purple nightgown,so I went into the bathroom connected to my room and brushed my hair and teeth.i yawned a little and decided to go down stair and saw my mother makeing every kids favorite food.

"Hello dear"my mother spoke to me without looking my way,my siblings stared at me like I was a badger with green body parts...yeesh."hey mom,any plans for today?"I asked my mother politely.

I'm the only one out of all my siblings who can be nice,so my parents kinda favor me more then the others."well if planned on takeing everyone out to the city today,but someones kn trouble for comeing home at 5 in the morning...(y/n)"mom said turning to me with blank stare.

I remember the night befor,me and my friends where doing the most nerdiest and yet funniest thing iv ever done

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I remember the night befor,me and my friends where doing the most nerdiest and yet funniest thing iv ever done

Dungeons and dragons.on the way home since they live on hour away the car broke down and we had to go to and 2 hour away place to get it fixed and then drop everyone off back at their yeah..didnt make it home when I was supose to

"Are you going to ground me and prevent me from going?"I asked my mother,she nodded and said"ewt your breakfast and go in your room to listen to your music..I honestly don't care.."

Time skip brought to you by giraffy being a dom and no one knew

It has been hours since my family left for the city....actaully its nighttime now,iv gotten kind of scared,I mean who wouldnt be scared if they were hone alone sitting in the dark.

I decided just to go to sleep.and soon I fell into that sleep

All that was around me was a dark jsut floating in it,no emotion,no life.i couldnt even move.

Until I could move my eyes and looked upward,some type of green liquid was pouring down slowly towards me...I got scared not knowing what the green liquid was.

It reached coverd my eye..but the pain from it woke me straight up

~nightmare over~

When I woke up it took me a minute to comprehend my surroundings,this wasnt my room,this wasnt even in my house.

Where am I

Hey guys that the end if today's chapter

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Hey guys that the end if today's chapter.bye bye.hoped you enjoyed and please comment-coralife

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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