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Siri got down from Divi's arms and ran to Jai as faster as her little legs can. Jai lifted her and held her in his arms.

Krishna hugged his daughter and kissed her forehead hard "Talli you've changed a lot but sti-. Divi cut off "but still I'm your little girl" and hugged him.

"Then who am I?" Priya asked with her hands on her hips.

Divi smiled seeing Priya and walked towards her saying "You are his one and only daughter".

Krishna lost his smile while Priya twisted Divi's ear making her yelp  "You didn't even call me since you went to South Korea and now you are teasing me".

Everyone smiled while Divi apologized "Sorry akka...sorry".

Priya released Divi's ear and hugged her
"I missed you so you know at one point I wanted to come to you and drag you from there by holding your ear to our home".

"Thank god you didn't do it" Divi said but felt her sister's love for her. After talking to everyone she went to her room and it's the same from five years back.

She opened windows and looked at the garden which is her favorite place in the house. She missed it, she missed everything and everyone.




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