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Divi freshened up and changed into simple clothes before going down calling Gitu. Gitu answered her phone in the first ring itself.

"Hey! Did you reach safely?" Gitu asked.

"Are you holding your phone and sitting awake waiting for me?" Divi teased. Her laugh made people turn. She changed a lot. She isn't just a cute little school girl anymore she's turned into a beautiful young woman now.

"You wouldn't understand at all. Some kind of friend you are" Gitu scolded.

"I'm home and about to have dinner. Stay safe ok?" Divi instructed with a little smile.

"You too. Take care" Gitu disconnected the call. Divi put the phone in her skirt pocket and came down to see everyone looking at her.

"Whyyy are you all looking at me like that?" Divi asked.

"You've grown up into a beautiful caring young women" Anu said which made her smile.

"Which is bad because we need to send you off to others home in the name of marriage" Ramurthy said sadly making Divi's smile vanish.

"There's is still time for that. I'm not giving my cutie pie to someone so easily" Krishna said with his hand around her shoulder.

"You are right naanna. That guy should impress everyone in our family especially me" Rana said with his hand on her other shoulder blade.

"Oh it is so tough to get her married annayya" Niha said making everyone confused. "There was a boy who proposed her in our high school. You know what your cutie pie did she made him run in the ground shirtless"

Everyone widened their eyes while Nani said "That's my sister" proudly.

"You really did that?" Nandu asked stunned. To which Divi rubbed her temples.

"Oh there is more" Niha said and everyone looked at her with intrest in listening about Divi.

Everyone knows that Divi is an introvert and only shares her happiness. Where as Priya she never hides anything. She lets out everything even if it is her sadness. She is an extrovert. Sometimes it's hard to believe they are sisters.

"We aren't having this discussion anymore" Divi said and sat down at the dining table.

"Why? Are you worried they'll know your ways of psychotic tratment towards the boys?" Niha asked smiling.

"Oh right! Everyone isn't lucky to get Arjun like you" Divi said making everyone turn to Niha.

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